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1975, 4th September.

This time Polaris made sure to wake up early and head to breakfast, leaving both Corvus and Aaron behind. Elora had sat with him, with her also being early to breakfast, her friend joining them, Anabelle Morgan. He was already halfway through his breakfast when they made an appearance. Corvus kept his mouth shut when he spotted Elora sitting down at his side.

Elora gave him a pinched smile before excusing herself, with Anabella following behind, giving a quick goodbye.

Polaris made sure they would be early to their first class of the day, which was potions. Unfortunately for Corvus, if he wished not to be left alone at the table that barely had anyone, he had to rush his food unless he wanted to sit in an hour-long class, thinking of food.

To the annoyance of Corvus, Polaris had made sure to drag him along after trying to get another mouth full of the hot soup he was rather enjoying... something about not being late to this class like he was the previous day.

They were the first two to enter the classroom. Polaris really could care less if Corvus had stayed behind or not. He just didn't want to be the first to enter the classroom since it was their first lesson in Potions. He wasn't sure who would be where, who was sitting with who, but with Corvus, he had least knew he could just sit with him. No problem at all.

They made themselves comfortable in the middle row and talked amongst themselves. The classroom slowly but surely filled up bit by bit as both Slytherin and Gryffindor's firsts years arrived before 09:00.

It was blatantly obvious that the Gryffindors and Slytherins were not too keen on sharing this class together, seeing as they were separate, every row was either filled with Gryffindors or Slytherins, no one dared to sit outside their house.

Just as it turned 9 on the dot, Professor Slughorn, the Slytherin house head, walked in with a smile branded on his face as he glanced at his new students. The murmuring quickly quieted down as the professor walked in.

He walked with a book under his arm and reached the table at the top of the room, and placed it on the table.

Turning around from his desk, he spoke, "Good Morning, first years." He squeaked out in a high-pitched voice.

"I am Professor Slughorn, the head of Potions and the head of Slytherins as well. I will be teaching you the theory of brewing potions and how to do so as well, of course, during your time here at Hogwarts. I want you all to know my door is always open for any of you who wish to ask questions or need help with anything at all," he spoke with such enthusiasm as if it was his greatest wish to be able to help students learn.

Just as he finished speaking, the door opened loudly, drawing the attention of everyone in the classroom.

"For Merlin's sake", Corvus muttered under his breath when he saw who it was.

"Sorry... Professor, we seemed to have gotten lost on our way up here," Willow spoke with an apologetic voice as she glanced to the top of the room with a heavily breathing Nathaniel behind her, who just nodded his head along as she spoke.

"Yes, we're truly sorry for interrupting the lesson like this", Nate spoke up with a nervous look.

'I find myself unsurprised.'

The professor sighed, "I suppose it's alright, seeing as it is your second day here at Hogwarts, and it is your first lesson. Please do take a seat as I continue with the lesson. Rest assured, you haven't missed anything. I've just begun."

With that, he continued with the lesson as Nate strode into the classroom, glancing around for two seats. Willow and himself could sit with each other, although with every glance he took, he would only see one seat until he finally found a spot with two seats, and he couldn't be happier.

Polaris BlackWhere stories live. Discover now