Haikus #2

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I cannot stop me

But if I cannot stop me

Who can stop myself?

The running light rays

Dancing on rolling grass blades

An endless meadow

Tick tock, tick tock clock

Keeps going tick tock, tick tock

Tick tock, tick tock, stop

One eye is the sun

The second eye is the moon

How big is the face?

Quietly sitting

The sun beginning to set

Darkness within reach

The society

Everywhere it is lurking

But is it a lie?

A single green weed

Grows in a crack in concrete

Color where there's gray

Sandwiched between two

One in front other behind

It is barely seen

Drifting on water

Upon an endless ocean

Made of fallen tears

Here I choose to hang

And sway like a broken bough

Ready to let go

I'm stuck in quicksand

Sinking quickly without hope

My end drawing near

My tongue feels funny

Like there are bubbles dancing

On the sugar floor

Happiness, a goal

One that humanity sees

But sometimes can't reach

An earthquake shakes me

It's origin is at my core

Never satisfied

Collection of My PoetryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon