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As my sight slowly dies

In a world filled with lies

My judgment begins to blur

Endless chatter starts to slur

The colors start to blend

Spiraling to no end

Leaving me far behind

In a place I cannot find

Lowering me into the night

Darkness descends with delight

Leaving me without a hope

Knowing that I'll have to cope

A gentle hand slips into mine

Reassuring I'll be fine

But I know my sight is gone

I'm helpless like a fawn

In the silence with no talk

The hand tugs me into a walk

I hear the rhythm of my feet

Creating a steady, pulsing beat

The constant beat gives off light

Stretching far into my night

Illuminating something dead

Blood outpouring, streaming red

A light's bolt pierces the sky

It hits me and I let out a cry

I'm sucked out of my hell

But to where, I cannot tell

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