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Once I was called bucket head

By one I held dear

He told it only jokingly

But I thought he was sincere

I called him lunchpailhead

And he gave me smile

I didn't know at the time

I wouldn't see him for a while

The next time I saw him

He was dead

Presented in a wooden box

His deathbed

I gingerly touched his ear

And whispered

"Lunchpailhead I love you"

Had he heard?

For many months I cried

In pain

My parents thought I was

Going insane

So, we took a family trip

I didn't know it was to fish

When I found out I cried

To fish with him was his wish

I stared out the car window

Watching the clouds float for a while

Then I saw his face

He was giving me his classic smile

He whispered to only me

Feeling my dread

"I love you too, always,

My dear bucket head."

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