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I lie within my snug bed

Greedily resting my tired head

My body fits like a glove

Into my bed's comforting hug

Sleep begins to cloud my sight

Protecting me from shadows of the night

Taking me to my world of dreams

Until I hear a piercing scream

I wake to the darkness of night

Fear gripping me with all it's might

Shadows moving not away but toward

My shivering body, stiff as a board

I watch as they advance on me

Prey is all that they see

Awaiting the coming nightmare

I pray someone answers my desperate prayer

A sudden howl breaks the night

The shadows scurry out of sight

I thank the noise and try to sleep

Instead, I lie there and quietly weep

Once again it howls its song

Supposing no one else will sing along

But I get up and look into the night

And howl back with all my might

Before I can finish, it joins mine

Our voices seamlessly intertwine

Both knowing a friendship has grown

And realizing no one is ever alone

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