The Reactions

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Third Person POV

"He had no right to write that letter." Ivan said.

"I know that. Which is why I have a plan for him." Rhaenyra said.

"Should I be scared or not." the Black Raven asked his girlfriend.

"Depends." the Dark Dragon smirked.

Outside Hogwarts Walls

"Rhae, is there a reason that Remus's corpse is nailed above us?" the Boy Who Lived asked his godsister as they stepped out of the carriages.

Rhaenyra merely smirked. "He got what he deserved, Harry."

"He was innocent!" Hermione cried out.

"He slept with Sirius, knowing that Sirius was married to my mother." the Black Heiress said flatly. "And a Black always pays her debt."

The Girl Who Died proceeded to calmly stroll into Hogwarts, with looks of aw, horrified fascination, and disgust being thrown at her. Ivan caught up with her and put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close to him.

"That was badass, you know that right?" Ivan muttered.

"I know." Rhaenyra replied with a smile growing on her face. "I pray Ron and Hermione get the message or I am debating on killing them as well."

"Good luck and contact me if you need any help." Ivan whispered with a smirk.

"I will, don't worry love." the Girl Who Died said.

That is today's chapter. It is short but it works.

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