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Third Person POV

Rhaenyra Bellatrix Black-Targaryen was very proud to decided she did not want to play Quidditch, ever.

Oh she only got interested in the sport because Morag, Megan, Ivan, and surprisingly Neville were big fans(though not as fanatic as others, looking at you Oliver Wood and Ronald Weasley). 

She enjoyed flying like a certain green eyed boy in Gryffindor did but not on a breakable broom, but on a much more safer option of dragon back.

Because there are very few things that can kill a dragon, and it was common knowledge that killing the rider of a dragon, even if there was less than a dozen in the current century, was a one way ticket to death by being burnt or/and eaten.

But seriously, if the game was going to happen when a massive storm happened, why was it not canceled!?

"Seriously, why is the game not canceled?" Harmonia. It was over summer that the new Ravenclaw had escaped the Gryffindor Tower for the House of Wisdom by transferring to Ravenclaw.

Neville had stayed behind, not wanting to deal with the paperwork that transferring houses required.

The Ravenclaw Tower's inhabitants had thrown a party for getting the Fawley Heiress AKA "One Of The Few Sane Lions." Penelope Clearwater had said.

"Ask Wood." Ivan chattered, shivering. While the anti-rain circle of runes Morag had thrown up kept them dry, it didn't keep them from getting cold.

Rhaenyra snuggled further into Ragnarok's massive body, the dragon having been given his own perch to watch the game, and the dark violet eyed thirteen year old had summoned some benches for the Shadows while she sat cocooned into Ragnarok's warmth.

A sudden chill went over the entire arena as Dementors converged. A majority going straight the Queen of Dragons.

"Kreacher get her out of here!"


A women's scream why was there screaming why was there the sound of a body hitting the floor—

Ragnarok's piercing roar was heard as Rhaenyra's barely hear din Ivan's yells and the sound of dragon flame being unleashed on the guardians of Azkaban.

That is today's chapter. I hope you have enjoyed it.

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