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Third Person POV

Ivan didn't know when he started to romantically like Rhaenyra.

At first they were best friends.

Then battle partners in the Chamber of Secrets.

It was somewhere in third year did he really fall for her. But he finally acknowledged it when her name came out.

And he wasn't the only one. He could list so many names and still have more.

"Ivan?" said voice asked as he completed his potions homework in the library. "You okay?"

No. "Yes." the Lestrange Heir lied.

Rhaenyra gave him a concerned look and sat down across from him. "You've been more distant lately."

"So have you." he snapped back.

"Not deliberately. Stella dragged me away for dress shopping." the Princess of Fire said defensively.

Ivan hummed. "Found a date yet?"

"Nope." Rhaenyra said. "Can you come with me? As friends."

"I was hoping to go as something more." Ivan muttered under his breath.

"What?" the dark violet eyed witch asked.

"I like you Rhaenyra, more then friends. Ever since third year." the Black Raven said before grabbing his bag and fleeing the library.

The Girl Who Died froze before realizing what he said. She then ran after him and caught up to him as he neared the dungeons.

"Ivan wait—"

"If you don't like me back its fine—"

"Shut up you idiot I like you back." Rhaenyra snarled before kissing him. "I'll show you my dress and then Stella will help you find something to match." she said.

"Oh my god finally." a voice said and the two turned to see a triumphant looking Morag.

That is today's chapter. Short but cute.

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