End of the Year

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Third Person POV

"What time is it this time?" Madam Pomfrey fussed over the Black Heiress. "That's the seventeenth time someone tried to kill you and you're sent to me! I'm going to owl your great uncle to see if I can teach you healing magic. At least you would know how to heal yourself. Your mother was an excellent healer, best student I ever had."

Princess of Fire kept quiet. The latest attempt on her life—an ambush from 5th year Ravenclaws— had resulted in her being sent to the infirmary but not before being able to hex and jinx her attackers and blind them.

Her dueling lessons with Flitwick were really paying off. Maybe she could convince Uncle Cygnus to invite him so she could continue over the summer holiday.

But another group had tired to get her from the behind, but Snape had walked in on the scene of her on the ground and the second group preparing to kill her.

Said second group were now in his office being yelled at after Snape had gotten her to the infirmary. Filius had been informed and Cygnus would be receiving a letter about the incident.

"That would be nice Madam Pomfrey." Rhaenyra.

Madam Pomfrey beamed. Very little students came to her about learning the arts of healing magic so she cherished each student.

Rhaenyra's mother had been her favorite student and protege, so the elderly women had a soft spot for the black and silver haired girl.

"I will owl your great uncle. Now don't speak until tomorrow, your throat took some mild damage but I wouldn't risk it." the healer said.


In the end, Slytherin one the House Cup, but as Rhaenyra had bet the Golden Trio had gotten involved with the Stone. Madam Pomfrey had released her from the infirmary to attend the feast.

During the End of the Year Feast, the Great Hall was decked out in Slytherin colors of silver and green with a giant green banner with a large Slytherin silver snake hung behind the High Table.

The House of Cunning looked smug at winning the House Cup for the eighth year in the row.

"Another year gone!" Dumbledore said cheerfully. "And I must trouble you with an old man's wheezing waffle before we sink our teeth into our delicious feast. What a year it has been! Hopefully your heads are all a little fuller than they were... you have the whole summer ahead to get them nice and empty before next year starts...."

"Now as I understand it, the House Cup here needs awarding and the points here stand: Gryffindor with three hundred and twelve points, Hufflepuff with three hundred and fifty two points, Ravenclaw with four hundred and twenty six points, and Slytherin with four hundred and seventy two points." Dumbledore announced.

Clapping came form the Slytherin table.

Yes, well done Slytherin, well done Slytherin." Dumbledore, forcing a smile to congratulate the House of Cunning. "However, recent events must be taken into account and I have a few last minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril: fifty points!"

Hermione looked stunned and buried her face in her hands as Gryffindors congratulated her. Neville and Harmonia then realized what was going to happen and looked furious.

The Girl Who Died made a mental note to ask them what had happened.

Dumbledore continued on with his speech. "Second, to Mr. Ronald Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years: fifty points!" the cheering at the House of Nobility was getting ungodly loud. "And third, to Mr. Harry Potter, for pure love and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor house: sixty points!"

"We're tied with Slytherin!" Hermione said as she grinned at the Boy Who Lived and the Ginger Lion at the Gryffindor Table.

Harmonia on the other hand, to Harry's confusion, looked ready to set the table on fire or to turn Dumbledore's wine into poison.

"And finally: it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award ten points each to Neville Longbottom and Harmonia Granger! Assuming that my calculations are correct, I believe that a change of decoration is in order!" Dumbledore finished with his speech.

Snape looked ready to murder someone as the Slytherin decorations turned into Gryffindor ones with a wave of Dumbledore's wand.

Outraged yells and screams erupted from Slytherin, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw tables. Ivan had stood up but was forcefully dragged back into his seat by the Black Snake.

On the few things the three houses agreed one, the biggest one was that the four Houses of Hogwarts had to work for the House Cup if they wanted to win it.

"War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all." Rhaenyra said calmly, quoting Lord of the Rings, raising her cup to the headmaster of Hogwarts.

But over the noise level from Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin, no one heard her words.

Scene Change, Hogwarts Express

The last day of her first year ended.

The Girl Who Died boarded the Hogwarts Express with her luggage, Silverwing, and Ragnarok. She had gotten a warning about not to use magic out of school.

The Shadow Queen had laughed and thrown it in the recycling. As long as she did magic in Nightingale Hall or someplace surrounded by wards, she could use as much magic as she wanted.

Megan, Ivan, and Harmonia had payed her the five galleons from the bet from the Quidditch game.

"So what happened?" the Black Raven asked Harmonia and Neville.

Harmonia looked livid. "Me and Neville tried to stop them! But Hermione froze Neville and then forced me to tell them what I knew about the Stone."

"So you're the reason the Gryffindor boy dorms were destroyed expect for Neville's bed? How were you not caught?" Megan said, sounding impressed.

"Snape was the first to arrive and I quote: 'Great decoration change, Heiress Fawley. Fifty points to you. What was the spell you used?'. I'm not joking, he legit said that."

"She's now his favorite Gryffindor." the Loyal Lion said.

The Dark Dragon smirked. "Well, it serves the Boy Who Lived and the Ginger Lion right. What about Hermione?"

"I burned her books." Harmonia said without any remorse.

Ragnarok, who had hatched the size of a large kitten but now the size of very large dog woke up and snorted, obviously agreeing with the Smart Lion's move.

This caused everyone to laugh and happy discussion about their summer went around. Ivan was hoping for his parents and uncle to get trials and be released.


When Rhaenyra got to Platform 9 & 3/4, a house elf was waiting for her.

"Mistress Black! Master Black sent Mimi to escort you home." the house informed her, levitating the black and silver haired girls luggage. Mimi let out a squeak of fear when she saw Ragnarok.

"Thank you Mimi. Don't worry, Ragnarok won't eat you." Rhaenyra said calmly.

The Girl Who Died took Mimi's hand when the House Elf offered it, keeping a grip on Ragnarok's neck, and Mimi apparated them to Nightingale Hall.

That is today's chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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