A Letter

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Third Person POV

Rhaenyra flooed back into Zabini Manor and saw Stella there with a letter.

"What is it?" the Black Hieress asked confused.

"Its a letter from Remus Lupin." Stella said.

Rhaenrya stilled. "Give it to me." she asked quietly.

Stella did and Rhaenrya apparated to her room's baclony and sat down on one of the chairs.

Dear Rhaenrya,

I wanted to reach out to you and I hope you are reading this letter. I was a friend of your father.

He would not be happy with how you are now. Please, leave the Dark for the Light, even resort into Gryffindor.

I hope you reaspond,

Remus Lupin

"That son of a bitch." the black and silver haired sixteen year old hissed in anger. She instantly began to write her reasponse.

Dear whore

Piece of advise: 

Do NOT write to the daughter of the women who's husband you willingly slept with even with the knowledge that he was married.

Also, stay the ever loving FUCK out of my life you piece of shit. I am not my father, I will never be my father.

Just because he is unfortunately my sperm donor does not mean I have to be like him. I will not leave my friends and my house for the short sighed house of nobility *cough* cowards *cough.

Stay out of my life or Ragnarok will have the opportunity to test his flames against a werewolf.

Fuck off

Rhaenrya Bellatrix Black-Targaryen

"Send this to him, girl." she said to Silverwing. Silverwing nodded and flew off with the letter in hand.

"Fuck you Sirius, I have to deal with your fucking shadow even after death." the Girl Who Died scowled.

That is today's chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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