Quidditch Invitations

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Can we just say that Everlark is the best ship in Hunger Games?

Third Person POV

Following the end of the year, the Dark Dragon and the Black Snake returned to Zabini Manor.

It was quiet for the first few days: completing their homework because Snape just had given them some nasty essays was the two students first mission.

It had nothing to do with the fact that he had been pranked by the Gryffindors who had been happy with Remus Lupin.

Absolutely not.

Scene Change, Stella's Private Office

"So... how are all of my vaults doing Darkest?" Rhaenyra asked the goblin sitting next to her.

"Lovely. Over seven million galleons have been earned from all of the Basilisk's sale, and all of the branches of Amusement dans la Chambre has made over a million galleons this year thanks to a big sale." Darkest said.

"Uhh, what's Amusement dans la Chambre?" the dark violet eyed girl asked confused.

"Its a... store with branches in France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy that Walburga invested when Regulus was in his fifth year of Hogwarts." Stella said. "

"...What kind of store?"

"To be frank Heiress Black, it's a lingerie shop." Darkest said flatly.

"And my standing has richest women in Britain and Europe?"

"You are the richest person in all of Magical Britain, Heiress Black and third in all of Europe." Darkest said proudly.

Scene Change, two days later

The announcement over breakfast one morning.

"The Quidditch World Cup is happening." Stella chirped.

"AKA more husband's to kill cite." Blaise mumbled.

Stella slapped the back of his head but didn't correct him.

Rhaenyra chose to ignore what Blaise had said.

"And that to." Stella said mildly. She had killed husband #5 right before school had ended, and had been able to get her hands on his 2 million fortune, thus making her second wealthiest in all of Britain and sixth in all of Europe. "But mainly the Quidditch match. Do you want me to buy tickets?"

"Are the Shadows going?" the slayer of two Basilisk's asked.

"Morag, Megan, Luna, Harmonia, and Ivan are going. Neville and his parents are going to Greece." the Black Widow said.

The Queen of Dragons nodded in agreement. She didn't blame the Loyal Lion for wanting to spend time with his parents to make up for little more than a decade he lost.

The Longbottom's were in the top five wealthiest families in Britain, thanks to the money savvy Lady Augusta Longbottom who had enriched the family thanks to her wise investments since the Dark Lord's fall.

"I'll go." Blaise said "Its a once in a lifetime tournament if Britain is hosting." the Black Snake said.

"I'll buy the tickets!" Stella chirped.

That is today's chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it.

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