Diagon Alley & Gringotts

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Put 'Boys? Homicide.' in the comments if you recognize the reference.

And onto the story

Third Person POV

The rest of the day was a visit to the hospital and then explaining what powers she had to her great uncle along with her life prior to him rescuing her.

(In which once she went to sleep, he had promptly began to start the legal case against her several foster parents, social worker, and her schools.)

In her years at the foster system—along with developing a skill of stealing when needed—, Rhaenyra had developed a handful of powers that were confirmed as magic.

Teleportation within her line of vision(and on a good day, to the other side of whatever town she was in), levitate objects, and her immunity to any and all fires that came from the magic from her mother, Saerena's Targaryen's, side.

Cygnus also gave her books so she could catch up on the magical world. She spent time whenever Cygnus was out reading the books he had given her and zipping through the first floor library.

(When ever she escaped her several foster parents, libraries were sanctuaries. The librarians let her stay until closing hours, or sometimes overnight, letting her read as long as she want.)

Her family history books fascinated her. A majority of the Blacks were Dark, Dark Grey, or Grey AKA Neutral, with the occasional Light.

But while the history written from the Light slandered the Dark, a majority of the Dark was not that horrific as it seemed. Many Dark Witches and Wizards in the Black Family had fought against several Dark Lords in history.

And the surplus of history books horrified her. Between 1978 and 1981, it consisted of blood ambushes, massacres, viscous battles, and murders left, right, and center between witches and wizards.

But on October 31st, 1981, the Late Lord and Lady, James and Lily Potter—her godmother—, had been murdered by Voldemort but her godbrother Harry had somehow defeated Voldemort and was now hailed as the Boy Who Lived.

Betrayed by their Secret Keeper, James Potter's best friend: Sirius Black.

Her father.

Which was how she learned her father, Sirius Black, was in prison for betraying the Potters, murdering Peter Pettigrew and 13 muggles with one curse.

Sirius was arrested by the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and sentenced by Barty Crouch Snr to life imprisonment in Azkaban without a trial for thirteen counts of murder with the curse, giving the information about the Potters' whereabouts which lead to their death and service to Lord Voldemort.

The author had helpful explained that Barty Crouch Snr had passed a law that let Voldemort's supports go to prison without a trial. There was heavy effort to paint her father as Voldemort's right hand man while having only been a 'spy' for the Dark Lord.

Turning to the history book of her mother's family, it was even more horrifying: Incest, murder, and civil war that ended in the Targaryen's losing their dragons.

In fact, her namesake, Rhaenyra Targaryen, had been one of the leaders in the Dance of the Dragons, when her brother Aegon II had usurped her rightful crown.

Her mother's fate was horrifying: in the event known as the Sack of King's Landing, her mother was murdered with an arrow to her spine and dagger to the heart, before her corpse was violated in horrible ways.

Her Aunt Elia and cousins Rhaenys and Aegon had also not been spared. Rhaenys was stabbed half a hundred times before dying from shock and trauma along with blood loss, while Aegon's head had been smashed.

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