Dragon Lessons

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Third Person POV

"So what electives do you have?" Ivan asked the next morning as the Shadows gathered at the Slytherin table.

"Arithmancy and Care of Magical Creatures." Harmonia said.

"Care of Magical Creatures and Divination." Megan admitted.

"Care of Magical Creatures and Divination." Neville and Morag said.

"Well I'm taking Runes and Care of Magical Creatures as well." Ivan said.

"Runes." Rhaenrya said.

"Just Runes?"

"I'm taking healing magic lessons as an unofficial elective." Rhaenrya said. "And I have the duelling spells Flitwick wants me to learn so..."

"Ah got it." the Lestrange Heir said.

"But I'm coming his first lesson: Hagrid asked if Ragnarok could help him with his first lesson: Dragons." the Queen of Dragons said cheerfully.

"Ah shit." Morag cursed.

Ragnarok's temper was legendary at Hogwarts. He did not tolerate anyone who wasn't Rhaenrya.

Scene Change

"Gather around! Gather around!" Hagrid said. "Be very excited, this is a one in a life time chance!"

"Hagrid what are we studying?" Hermione asked.

"Basilisks?" Draco sniggered.

"Your cousin and Ivan Lestrange killed to Basilisks Malfoy." Hagrid reminded him. "And no, we are going to study—"

A massive shriek went up and a massive form cast its equally massive shadow over the entire class.

"DRAGONS!" Hagrid said cheerfully.

Ragnarok flew over them before landing in a clearing that barely fit him, black scales, horns and spines gleaming like obsidian while the horns and spine looked incredibly sharp. Dark green scales, flecked here and there, looked like jade in the sunlight.

The class of Gryffindors and Slytherins watched as his infamous rider, the Girl Who Died, slide off, the black dragon helping her off.

"Miss Black has agreed to help me with my first class!" Hagrid said. "You all know who this is by now."

"A 397 feet long dragon with the ability to burn down Hogwarts." Harry deadpanned.

Ragnarok's massive head swung around to glare at him with acid green eyes.

"Balerion the Black Dread got over 200 feat by his death, calculations guess 500 plus feet when he died." Rhaenrya defensively. "Ragnarok is Balerion's son, so he'll probably get bigger. Any questions?"

Pansy surprisingly waved her hand first. "How doe he get so big?"

"Well that's a lot of things. I feed him regularly and how to feed a dragon lesson one is to never give them raw meat, they hate that. They'll cook it with their fire but they'll never eat raw meat even if it meant to save their life."

Ragnarok surpassingly nodded as if to agree with this.

"Also, I don't trap him inside. I did bring him inside when he was the size of a large kitten but he's too big for it now. I keep him outside, where he can fly and hunt to his pleasure. On that topic: don't chain a dragon indoors. They get shrimpy and can die if trapped indoors by a mob." Rhaenyra continued.

"Next: he's my familiar. We can telepathically communicate, and he has a sixth sense on my whereabouts. I also train him on commands in High Valyrian: for example Drakarys!"

Ragnarok unleashed a torrent of black flames on a bird flying over head. The charred bird fell right into Rhaenyra's hands, and she fed it to her dragon, cooing.

"Dragons can be incredibly destructive. You have to teach them commands so they don't burn everything in their path. They need to know what's there, and what's not. It helps I can talk to him down our bond."

Hermione waved her hand. "You act like he's human."

"He is. Ragnarok is incredibly wise, with near human itnellegiance. He just likes to hide it behind his 'terrifying destructive beast' facade. He's in tune with my emotions but not all the times: just the stronger the emotion, the more likely he will be in tune with me. He's not a slave, but my familiar and equal. He cares for me and I care for him. Though its a bit terrifying since he was burn down the world for me if I was hurt."

There was a silence.

Another hand. "Yes?"

"What species is he?"

"A Valyrian Dragon. Incredibly rare and the most powerful kind of species. Very difficult to get their eggs to hatch. Their eggs can go for centuries unhatched and have a spark of life before turning to stone." the black and silver haired girl asked.

"How do they hatch?" Harry asked himself asking.

"Fire and Blood. Literally. You need a fire of sorts, like a funeral pyre, and a blood sacrifice. Usually an animal can work for a single egg, but human blood sacrifice for multiple eggs. Funeral pyres work as well: the burning of the deceased person blood mixes with the egg and fire and boom: you have a baby dragon. I hatched Ragnarok with just magic so I didn't need to do that."

Ragnarok let out a yawn and curled around his mistress. She let out a chuckle and stroked him, earning a purr that was equal to a tiger's roar.

"Ragnarok here is basically a giant kitten around me. At the end of the day, he'll never hurt me, and if I was thrown in a strange world with only Ragnarok, he would be my only friend there despite other's seeming him as a weapon or war. He's my friend, the first I had before I meet Ivan." Rhaenrya said.

"Can we touch him?" Lavender Brown asked eagerly.

"No. He'll only let me touch him or ride him. My mother was a Valyrian which is why I can ride and touch him. Never get too close to him if I'm not around, you could startle him if he's sleeping or he'll think you're trying to take him away from me and attack you. Do you understand?" the Girl Who Died said sternly.

There were murmurs of yes.

"Alright. Any more questions?"

That is today's chapter. I hope you enjoyed it.

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