Yule of Fifth Year

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Third Person POV

Christmas came and the Shadows left Hogwarts for their respective homes.

"So, why wasn't I informed you sued Dumbledore for using my home as a base for the Order of the Phoenix without my knowledge?" Rhaenrya asked as she had breakfast with Stella the first morning of the break.

"Because you were busy and I didn't want to bother you." Stella said in an innocent voice that would have convinced the Black Heiress... hadn't she just spent the past three(ish) years living with the women.

"How much gold and what was the Ministry's reaction?" Rhaenrya asked.

"3 million galleons with Umbridge making him give an extra 1 million for not asking you. And Dumbledore has lost his Chief Warlock, Grand Sorcerer, and Supreme Mugwump titles." the Black Widow said gleefully.

Rhae! Let's go flying! Ragnarok whined down his bond with the Basilisk-Slayer.

I will just give me a few minutes.

"And the ministry's reactions?" the Shadow Queen asked her legal guardian.

"Dumbledore's name is now another word for 'traitor' while all of the ministry employees are under severe investigation. Sirius has been voted to 'Worst Father of the Year' while you are considered a girl stuck in a poor situation and those people either pity you or hate you for your father. Fudge has put in new screening processes, wards, and security. His own office has over twenty three wards designed just to keep out thieves and traitors." Stella Zabini informed her.

"How many wards in total?" the Girl Who Died said.

"From my sorceress... over one hundred on his office alone." the mother of the Black Snake informed her.

"I would say that's overkill but with all the shit that has been going done, its not." the dark violet eyed witch said flatly.

That is today's chapter. I hope you have all enjoyed it.

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