Day and Night, Sun and Moon

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Sam's POV

I practically sprinted to Bucky's room.

How could be so stupid???

Gods. I'm dumb. Flat out plain dumb.

And I was about to lose Bucky to my dumbness.

I grabbed the door handle and stopped. Pausing. What would I say?? How could I make up for this?

My thoughts were racing, shaking my head like an etch-a-sketch, I cleared it. What I needed to do was stop. Not overthink this. To just be honest.

"Buck are you in there?"


"Please. I've come to apologize."

Still nothing.

The chime of J. A. R. V. I. S.'s voice rang overhead.

"Mr.Wilson, I've been told to let you know Mr.Barnes isn't in his room. What I was told not to tell you is where he is. Mr. Barnes is currently on the roof."

My blood ran cold. Instantly I practically flew towards the elevator, pressing the button to the point it probably was broken.

It took forever but finally the door dinged opened. And I saw him, his back was to me and he was swinging his legs on the edge of the roof. I couldn't see his face but his voice cracked like he'd been crying.

"Unless you're Nat or Steve. Or you've brought some more good alcohol I suggest you leave."

"Bucky I've come to apologize."

He gave a cold laugh. "Bullshit."

"Bucky. I'm serious. I'm sorry. I made a terrible mistake."

Bucky stayed silent and just stared over the edge, he grabbed the flask beside him taking a long swig. I could smell the sweet Asgardian mead from here.

I sighed and took a few steps closer, I just needed him to calm down. "Bucky please get away from the edge."

"Do you know how many times I've been on a ledge? Not this one of course," his words slurred as the ex-assassin kept his head staring at the edge. "But just in general. Because I've been here a lot. Edge of buildings," he got up and stood on the concrete edge. "Edge of bridges," he stared down taking a final unsteady swig, and dropped the bottle of mead. "Edge of sanity." The bottle crashed at the bottom, empty.

"I'm just done Sam. I've been fighting, for years."

My voice cracked as I took another step closer, I was about three good strides away. "I know Buck I'm so sorry. Just come off the edge, we can keep talking if you want-"

His voice was quiet but it cut deep like broken glass. "I'm done with everything Sam. All I am is a burden at this point. Steve, he's moved on. Tony, he hates me. Nat, Vision, Wanda, hell even you! You all have wonderful lives ahead of you. And I'm just," he took a sigh and finally turned with tears in his eyes. "I'm the only one stuck in the past. No matter what I do!! I've tried, and look what it did!! It ruined the only good thing I had, EVER, not just since the forties. It ruined us Sam. And I'm so sorry."

"Bucky. You have nothing to be sorry for. Somebody who has been through as much stuff as you have deserves to be tired and done. You're not a burden, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me!! Tony doesn't hate you, he can say it himself. Everybody in this compound respects and likes you!! Please just come off the ledge, come with me."

Bucky stared at me. His eyes were like broken ice. I could see under all the Winter Soldier's programming, under the facade. Bucky was just a scared and tired man. And he deserved the world.

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