Good Old-Fashioned Lover Boy (part 1)

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Bucky's POV

I was going on a Date.

My first date since the 40's. Oh my gods if stuff about...people like me has changed. Then what about dating? Was I considered "old-fashioned"? Did people still get flowers?

I sat in front of my mirror. Debating on asking Wanda or Nat. How does this sort of thing? Dating or whatever it was called.

I could assassinate someone from miles away. Fire almost any type of gun. Use any type of weapon and I had mastered nearly every time of hand-to-hand combat. I was known by multiple governments and highly dangerous.


I was a teenage girl trying to figure out what to wear on my date with Sam Wilson.

I muttered under my breath

"Gods I need help. I wonder what Wanda's doing..."

A voice came from the doorway.

"Right now? I was reading your mind. Want some help?"

The witch was standing in the doorway. She chuckled and grabbed the t-shirt out of my hand.

"James, the best thing I can tell you, is to be yourself. How would James Buchanan Barnes dress?" Her voice cut through my scattered thoughts.

An old outfit popped into my head. One I used to wear when I had my first date with a guy in the 40's.

"Ok I'm definitely gonna need your help with this."

Wanda smiled as she knew exactly what I was thinking. Literally.

Her voice was heavily accented as she spoke, nodding."I'm impressed, Sam's gonna be stunned. I'll ask Nat to borrow her eyeliner. Let's do this."

Sam's POV

I shrugged on my black leather jacket. A plain red t-shirt and some dark jeans. This was casual right? I was going on a date with the former Winter Soldier and a deadly ex-assassin. Normal.


My brain was half-panicking after knowing Bucky loved me back.

Nat leaned on my doorway.

"Hm. Boring but not bad Wilson."

"Shut the fuck up Romanoff I'm trying."

She laughed and walked in, sitting on the bed as I messed with my jacket trying to get it to lay right.

"Sooo you and Bucky?"

I shrugged, my jacket finally laying in place.

"It's just coffee Nat."

"Just Coffee?"

"Yes Natasha. That's it."

She nodded, pursing her lips to show she wasn't convinced of my antics AT ALL.

She walked out and I followed her to the living area. Vision was sitting there alone.

I flopped down on the couch as Nat turned on some random show.

"Hey Vision where's Wanda?"

He answered almost immediately. "I believe she's with Mr.Barnes."

I grunted, trying to turn my attention to the show.

A voice drifted from down the hallway. "Thanks Wanda this really helped."

Wanda came from around the corner winking at somebody from the other side of the wall.

"Of course. Let me know if you need me any other time. I'm always here to help."

She sat down on the loveseat next to Vision.

Before I could ask her anything Bucky came from around the corner. He had a white embroidered rose print red button up tucked into white pants that were cuffed at the bottom. He had brown dress shoes that looked brand new. Some of the buttons on his shirt were undone, showing off his chiseled chest. Gods was I feeling faint?

His hair was ruffled ever so slightly as it had grown with his super soldier enhancements. Not enough to look trashy but just enough to look fluffy.

My eyes made their way to his face. His eyes were framed by eyeliner, making him almost look androgynous. He had light blush and his skin looked flawless. He looked like a young god.

I sat, flabbergasted and stunned.

Wanda raised a hand and Bucky walked over giving her a high five.

She muttered something like an I told you so but I wasn't listening.

I stood, my ears were ringing and my heart was pounding.

There was a certain freedom I got from flying. After Riley...died, I used flying as a release of stress and pain. I was an adrenaline junkie no doubt. But I knew my two feet were on the ground. Then why did I feel like I was flying? Sparing through the skies? That same adrenaline and soaring high ran through my veins hitting my pounding heart with unfortunate ease.

Bucky made me feel like I was flying. But now there wasn't the risk of falling. There wasn't a dangerous physical risk. I could

"Doll? You in there?" Bucky's voice had a slight Brooklyn accent as he put a hand tenderly to my forehead as if he was checking for a fever.

"Yeah yeah you ready to go?"

He nodded, swinging a white jacket over his shoulder.

My brain reminded me again as the flying feeling calmed.

I was going on a date. Was I gonna die from the high and thrill or from my own embarrassment?

Either way. I was going on a date.

With James Buchanan Barnes.

A/N: sorry I know this is a shorter chapter than I usually do. Trust me the next one will be longer. I know the descriptions are a bit long winded but I didn't know how else to make it not sound weird/too short. Tysm for reading!!

Also: Yes the title is a Queen reference feel free to judge I'm obsessed and I think of Bucky when I hear it.

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