Bad Ideas

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Sam's POV
I wanted to drag his handsome ass to the medical bay.

Before I could...Wanda used her voodoo that she do to teleport us all to the med bay. He was now on a bed, his whole body rigid with pain. Tony and Steve had seemed close and were having an intimate moment...I wanted to question it. Give a little comment or tease them. But it's a bit ill-timed when one's crush is in extreme amounts of pain feet away.

Bruce flew into the lab before I could even ask for him on the coms.

"Bruce you got anymore of that sedative?"

He nodded and rushed to grab a needle and the right vial.

"There's HYDRA Agents swarming-"

Vision's voice on the coms interrupted the playboy with a crackle. "Tony it seems that's the only team they've sent. I don't detect any other Agents. Should I engage?"

"I'll be right there. Alright, who wants to go beat some HYDRA ass? I'll go grab my suit. Nat, Wanda, and you," he pointed to Steve." You Star-Spangled idiot. You guys all go get your suits. Bruce and Sam you two stay here."

He pressed the ear piece to reach Vision.

"Vision, you stay and keep monitoring this. I'll come help you take them out."

Vision said something back but I really wasn't paying attention. Bruce gave Bucky some of the sedative and he was calming down, slowly.

We all seemed to pause. Tony turned, securing Steve's bandages a bit better than before.

After a few minutes, Nat, Wanda, and Steve all went out to take care of the HYDRA Agents. I stayed behind with Bruce and a calmer Bucky. I stared after the team as they started to walk out but Bruce stopped them.

"Look the best idea here is to take the lead of this operation. More than likely they sent somebody to get Barnes specifically-" he explained but was cut off by a quiet voice from behind us.

"It's called a Handler.

The ex-assassin was sitting straight up in the bed. He had unbuckled his mask, it had been so tight it left angry red marks on his face. His eyes looked lost, drifting in and out of focus. Bucky seemed to be shaking and swaying at the same time.

"The man who came to get me. It's called a Handler. Anybody who did led or commanded the Asset was called a Handler." His voice was quiet and hoarse from screaming.

Tony started to speak. "How-"

Bucky looked straight to me. His eyes drifted to mine and I could see the plea for help. Instinctively as if it was a natural reaction, I took the few steps and got to him. I sat on the edge of the bed and I could see him trying to focus on me.

"You guys go. Bruce and I will stay."

They left quickly. Almost immediately Bucky whimpered and leaned into me. His breathing was going impossibly fast and the ex-assassin was hyperventilating. I felt his heart through his tight suit beating fast. Too fast.

It clicked in my brain he was having a panic attack and I need to help him now. His voice was quiet and small, trembling to match his shaking body. I'd never heard him in this much pain.

"Sam. Get it off I can't breath. Please."

"Okay I got it. Just calm down okay Buck focus on me." He leaned in and wrapped his arms around me, I was his lifeline right now. "Bucky listen to my voice I'm right here. You feel that in my chest, that's my heart, focus on that. Breathe with me. I just need you to calm down, Bruce will help get it off and I'll help too. Just. Breath." I kept my voice level, soft. The southern drawl lingered and I felt him melt slightly, the rigid and tense agony slowly ebbing from his body.

Bruce fumbled to help with the straps of the tight suit. The gun holster was strapped in the front and I took the knife from the strap on his tight, cutting the holster easily.

After minutes of fumbling, all the numerous straps and buckles had been cut of undone. He took a deep breath and air rushed into his lungs. Bucky was still hugging me, tightly but now he was more relaxed then before.

J. A. R. V. I. S. notified us after a few minueted that Tony, Steve, Nat, Vision, and Wanda had come back. The mission had been a success, they surprised the renaming HYDRA Agents and took the leader. Tony, Nat, and Steve had taken him a to a holding cell but they weren't going to question him yet.

Wanda and Vision came up to check on Bucky.

He sat, still clutching to me for dear life.

Wanda approached him gently. Vision stayed by the door. Her voice was wobbly.

"I can feel your pain. I'm sorry. I wish I could help." She shot him an apologetic and sympathy filled look. He only took a shaky breath and kept his head buried in my chest. I nodded, silently telling her thank you. Wanda turned, going back to Vision and the pair exited.

Steve, Tony, and Nat came in moments after. Bucky had calmed down by now. His heart was back to normal speed and he wasn't crying. Yet the ex-assassin remained buried in my chest clutching to my shirt for life.

Steve spoke first.

"Bucky you have to forgive me I'm so sorry. It wasn't me HYDRA they...they..." he stopped his hands out, pleading, for forgiveness. He didn't know what else to say.

Bucky's voice came from my chest, quiet and gravely. "Controlled you. I know. Trust me I know."

Nat cleared her throat and relayed the information. "We found the Handler. He's in the interrogation cell now. He had a tag that says 'Handler Zero' none of us knew it."

Bucky's head shot up. Clearly he remembered something.

"Bucky?" My voice was gentle. He couldn't hear me. His face slowly went from cold fear to a raging anger. It was a contrast to the Winter Soldier's cold anger, this was a fiery rage. Finally I'd seen the fire of Bucky Barnes.

He shot up before any of us could stop him. Sprinting to the door he was silently gone.

I yelled after him. Getting up and I knew exactly where he was going. I needed to stop him. Possibilities created tornadoes in my head ravaging my common sense. I raced towards the prisoner cells, yelling to hopefully get him back.


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