Bitterness and Bones

384 19 15

Bucky's POV

Steve's voice cut through Sam and I's conversation.

"Oh look. Glad to see somebody's feeling better."

He walked over to us. Nat, Wanda, and Vision were all near the TV on the couches/chairs. I shifted under Steve's glare.

My voice was quiet and I felt like I was back in HYDRA's bunkers. Back under The Handler's gaze when I didn't complete a mission in the given time.

"Look Steve. I-I didn't mean to and it wasn't me. I-I really d-didn't mean to hurt you I'm sorry if I did."

"You should've just taken a minute," I felt his glaring gaze bore into my forehead as I kept my eyes down. He didn't sound like Steve anymore. He sounded like a Handler. "Calmed down. I thought you were doing better!! But here-"

Sam's voice cut him off, loud and dangerously calm. "Steve. As I said in our earlier conversation. Respectfully you need to shut the fuck up."

Nat had walked over while I was focused on Steve's chastising.

"Sam's right. Take a walk. Or maybe a run. For now make it far away."

Her voice held the command I'd known to fear from most Widow's but this time it had a kindness in it. She waved him away.

His face was red with embarrassment. Truly, the Cap I used to know wasn't the same in this century. He sped towards the elevator and pressed the button to leave. Once he was gone, silence filled the room. Then Wanda turned over the back of the couch smiling at us.

"Sam? Nat? You guys gonna bring the fossil over to watch some movies?" Wanda's voice had kindness and playful teasing.

"Yeah yeah we're comin." Sam's voice took on a southern twang and I felt best rise to my face.

"Well...depends...what are we watching?" Nat smiled and looked at Wanda. Clearly she had a specific movie in mind.

Wanda gave a knowing look to Sam and his face lit up like lightning.


Wanda and Nat threw their heads back in fake dread. Groaning and complaining as Sam dragged Nat and I to the couch.

"OMGOMGOMGOMG Bucky this is literally the best movie ever. It's both a Christmas AND Halloween movie!!"

I have a small smile at his antics. It was adorable how excited he looked-

Wait a minute. Did I just call Sam Wilson...cute?

I'm in love with Samuel Wilson.

Excuse me what?

He plopped me down on the main couch as Wanda and Vision moved to take the love seat. Nat sat on one side but then got up.

"I'll make the popcorn. Wanda find it and cue it up. Sam explain it WITHOUT spoiling it or geeking out too much? Please?"

He nodded while sitting on my right side.

Immediately, he spilled into this explanation about
Halloween...and skeletons...and monsters...and Christmas things...?

Ok ok I wasn't paying any attention I admit it. But how could I? He had this childish wonder and excitement that made his face light up with this sunshiny joyful glow.

Eventually, the movie got started and the popcorn was popped to perfection.

Everyone settled down after Sam broke into the first song. Something about Halloween and scaring people. His voice was supreme but his childish acting was even better.
Once we settled again, I shivered, even in between the two heat radiators called Natasha and Sam I was still freezing. I hugged my sweater closer giving myself paws and curling up in my own sweater.

"You cold?" Sam's voice was barely a whisper.

I nodded and he offered the blanket. I declined. He put an arm over my shoulder and pulled me in under the blanket. I was pressed against his chest and had an arm snuggled under his back and another on his waist. He had one arm pulling me closer into his body. I nuzzled into his neck as Jack Skellington stumbled back to Halloween Town.

If this wasn't the best day of my life since the 40's then I clearly got another shock again.

I was in love with Sam Wilson, watching a movie, and finally getting accepted into the Avengers.

*A/N: little thing here from the brainless author here: I know this one is a bit shorter but I'm trying to write a bit less angst because I realized that's what most of this has been. Any Suggestions? Thank you so much for reading love y'all it means a lot to me!!*

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