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A/N: this is kinda an in between about what's going on outside of the panic room/Sambucky moment. Idk what it is either but just small little thing here.

Vision's POV
I flew outside after Sam took Wanda and Nat to go to the panic room.

Flying above the compound, I watched the peaceful midnight sky. Waiting for any disturbances. And that's when I heard it. A car, far off, and men speaking in Russian.

I spoke into my coms. "Mr.Stark, there appears to be intruders approaching the compound border. Do you want me to investigate or wait?"

Tony's voice crackled from the other side. "Wait for now"

So I waited, floating in the sky. My brain wondered to the myths and fairytales Wanda had told me.

I nearly laughed. Maybe to a child I looked like a phantom. Maybe I looked like a peaceful spirit.

Either way, I could only imagine my floating super hero figure in front of the full midnight moon.

Tony's POV
I hated seeing Steve hurt. Sam was still bitter from how Cap treated Bucky but I swear to god if he laid one more hand on him-

I had a suspicion there was something wrong with Steve. I had already seen Loki's version of mind control and I had seen HYDRA's version with Bucky. Something was wrong.

The other night I tried to ask him and he just seemed to plead with me. Just like he pleaded to keep our relationship secret from the others. He couldn't tell me about whatever was going on with him, which I knew. But I still just wanted to help him.

Yes, I freely admit I'm in love with Steve. So? Ever since I first saw that capsicle he melted whatever ice was around my heart. Moving on from that cheesy bullshit-

Making him sit down I grabbed better bandages to redo the lousy gauze I had slapped on his neck earlier. While Sam was doing his planning thing to help his own lover boy, I didn't have time to actually take a look at the wound. I patched him up quickly. By now I was practically a doctor with all the other scrapes, bumps, and bruises I had helped treat. I never had the energy to be a doctor. Dr.Stark didn't have the same important ring as Mister Stark to me.

"You should've told me." My voice came out soft, gentle almost. Yes I may be arrogant but I'm not cruel. No matter what the other Avengers think. But Steve would be the only one who got to see this side of me. The Insecure Tony. The Scared Tony. The Caring Tony.

"I'm sorry Tones." America's Golden Boy looked tired. His voice cracked when he spoke and I knew he was being genuine.

I simply grunted. Finishing up my inspection of his wound. Vision had told me about the intruders but they weren't within the compound lines yet, so I couldn't do much.

Sam's voice crackled over the intercom.

"Tony- *crackle* -got him- *crackle* -he's ok. We just need- *crackle* -get the medical bag ready-" He cut out randomly and I pieced together what he needed. Steve moved to get up and I spun around.

"No. You better sit your stubborn-ass down right now or I swear so help me god-"

He laughed putting his hands up in mock defeat.

"Alright alright! Yes Mr. Doctor sir."

"Hmph. Billionaire playboy philanthropist and super hero to you Captain."

Steve just have a half laugh. I could tell, he was back to himself. I threw him a small smile, reading his eyes I could tell he was already guilty and melting. Between my dazzling smiles and all this Avenger drama, he'd need me to get through all the bullshit. And I knew it.

Then again, I know a lot of things. Guess it's just the burden that comes with being a genius.

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