Something Wrong

443 21 7

Bucky's POV
I didn't wanna fight Steve.
Sorry spar I guess.

But I still didn't want to. The only reason I came to the training was I was hoping to see Sam in action and maybe talk to Natasha more. I remember her from somewhere but I can't seem to pin point where.
My brain snapped back to reality as Natasha told us to start.

Steve looked ready. He was tense, but relaxed at the same time. He shifted his weight but I already knew his plan. He did that every single time. Like a poker tell, Steve was never good at hiding his habits. But I had a strategy because sorry buddy but he only had so many alley fights and a world saving battle or two. I knew him. I knew how he fought. No matter how many centuries of change would change his fighting style.

He started coming at me. Why he chose a right hook I'll never know. That was always his weakest move other then his leg sweep-

Ha! called it. Sheesh he was either trying to seem weak or maybe he was trying to show off. My head throbbed. I heard whispers of Russian in the back of my head. Order and trigger words. Winter was trying to come back.

I just watched, going on the defensive easily. Dodging and blocking was something I could keep up. I didn't plan to win the fight because I had one already raging in my mind.
Steve stood in front of me. His chest heaved, honestly Cap almost looked peeved. I knew he wanted to win but maybe it was more than I truly thought.

"Come on Soldier you gotta fight back!!"

I felt my lungs stop.

Those words-
No. Nonononono.

That was all he needed to come back.

Those words broke open the floodgates I'd been holding. Memories and images swept through me like tidal waves.

I felt every limb in my body succumb to a cold frigid feeling.

The radio static noise in my head rose until it drowned out every other noise.

I couldn't keep him back any longer. Everything was just too much, made me remember too much.
The Asset was back. Bucky Barnes, for now, was lost to his own mind.

The Asset's POV
The Asset watched. His last orders rang in his head along with the normal static white noise. He didn't try to remember because there was nothing in his mind except the given words and fall-back triggers.
The Asset realized he had no weapon. And stood in front of his mission. The last mission given to him by Handler Pierce.

If The Asset was to ever encounter Captain America (whether taken or in battle) The Asset was to kill the man immediately.

The Asset stalked forward. The battle codes and tactics beaten into his body were put into action.
Every move he was taught. Every brutal attack and defense.

Captain America could barely keep up. After barely a few moves The Asset struck the man down. He registered but didn't care for the people watching him. Handler Pierce hadn't specified whether witnesses mattered or not. To The Asset, it didn't matter, they would not interfere with his mission.
Captain America was weakened, tired from the battle.

The Asset placed the man in a chokehold. The easiest way to kill The Captain at the moment, as The Asset had no weapon.

"Buck- let- me- go-"

Buck? Who the hell was Buck? Pain flashed in The Asset's mind. So, against his usual mission procedures, he replied (in Russian);

"No. You're my mission, Captain America. I know no 'Bucky'."

Flashes of other people around him didn't interfere with his task.

Someone was begging him to let go. But it didn't matter-

A redhead stood in front of him and her words made electricity race down The Asset's spine.


The Asset stood, releasing Captain America immediately.

"Soldat latest Mission Report." Her words registered in his brain and the reply rose to his lips. He couldn't hear himself speak, all he could hear was  a combination of static, crackling electricity, and screams.

"The Asset was told as a last resort, if ever captured and taken by Captain America, to kill him at all costs."

Captain America had gotten up, now the man's breathing was steady unlike before when the Asset had him almost dead.

"Soldat. Mission Complete-"

The Asset nearly snapped his head looking up at the redhead. She was a Widow, she of all people should understand his mission was far from complete. Kill at ALL COSTS.

The Asset's mind drifted to what would happen. He didn't actually complete the mission. Would she be angry? Would she punish him? Fear crept into his skull, he was programmed to have no fear response but it still was there like an infection.

She raised her hand and The Asset flinched. No. Oh no. No no no. She'd seen him flinch he'd surely be punished now. What if she took him to the chair-

"Mission complete Winter Soldier."

The Asset didn't trust her words. It didn't make sense. But either way something in his mind took that moment to surface. Something clawed it's way from the depths of his mind, from underneath the static and screams and programming. The Asset clutched his head as hellacious pain ripped through his skull.

It was a battle in The Asset's head.

Bucky. Bucky? He knew that name. He knew that name because it was his name.

No. He was the Asset-

Screams erupted in his head. He couldn't see. People were around him. Electricity sparked and flared. The machine- it was lowering- ready to strike and wipe him-

MY NAME IS James Buchanan Barnes-

Pain. A shock. Then more. Thousands of shocks at once.


Agony. Screams. Static. Wailing. Crying. Yelling.


My brain was lit like a torch, maroon and crimson ribbons mixed together in a flash behind my closed eyes. Then it calmed. The screams and yelling and wailing faded to distant whispers. The static and crying were almost gone. The agony was still there but by now I was numb to the pain. Everything hurt.
I was confused, dazed and confused. I couldn't tell where I was and the Winter Soldier began. Before I could contemplate anymore a needle slipped into my flesh arm. Immediately I tried to get up, reminded of HYDRA days. What were they giving me?? Who was giving me what??

I tried to say something. Hoping somebody would hear me. I couldn't even feel my own body anymore but I hoped somebody would hear my words. Even if it was just my thoughts.

"Please. Help me."

Everything finally faded to black.

A/N: Hey guys this is the dumb author here!! Lmk if you guys find any spelling mistakes or have any suggestions. If you guys have any feedback I'd rlly rlly rlly appreciate it (tell me how bad it is or not ya know) and tysm for voting!! You guys are amazing human beings for even looking at this it means so much to me. Have a great day/night!!! whateva again thank youuuu

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