17. Colorful Revenge

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Harry had gone to the agency the next morning after his run and shower, and asked Blaise if he could arrange for a new number for his mobile. He thought it would be best if the Weasleys didn't have it anymore, because when he had turned his phone on that morning, there were thirty six messages from Ginny and about twelve from Ron. He didn't open any of them, but when he mentioned it, Draco opened his hand, so that he could read what had been sent.

He never thought that he would ever get angry for Harry Potter, but the more he looked at the screen, the more he did. And the more he wanted to vomit. And the way it happened was strange.

Draco was watching the mobile. With disgust.

Harry was watching Draco. With lust.

Pansy was watching Harry. With interest.

Blaise was watching Pansy. With a smile.

"Holy fuck, they think they are so righteous, don't they?", sneered Draco, who was glad that he had more understanding of what Pot - Harry - had been going through. Pansy and Blaise had pestered him to know what he had whispered in the hero's ear, but he said nothing. If they wanted to know, then they were going to have to ask the man himself.

"What do the messages say Draco?", asked Pansy.

"From bad to worse they go like this - I made a mistake - give me another chance - I still love you - it never meant anything - we can put it behind us - you look hot as a model by the way", he said with disgust. "And that's just from the Weaslette".

"From the Weasel, - you're a shit friend - who can't even get it up for a girl - magazine cover shows you like cock - always knew you loved yourself and the attention - I wonder if the wizarding world knows that their savior is gay - maybe I should tell them".

He looked up at Harry, who he saw had been looking at him in a different way since they had all apologized. Before anyone could say anything, Blaise cut in.

"Well, now that you mention it. Remember when I said last night about beating them at their own game?", he said, and they all nodded.

"Let's take a photo shoot of you Harry, in glorious gay colors, and tell the world that you are bisexual. You coming out in your own time will gain even more respect and more readers - and it will put a spanner in what Weasley is trying to do", he suggested.

Harry grinned at him and said he loved the idea. So did Draco and Pansy. They got to work, sending him to wardrobe and make-up. The idiot Weasel was going to be sorry that he had ever messed with Zabini's and their model.

Draco followed him to wardrobe, and told the lady there that he would help Harry today. He needed to speak to the man alone.

When she left Harry turned to him and smiled. "Thank you Draco", he said.

"What for?", he asked, looking through the rail of clothing.

"For everything I guess - it seems I am not complete without you by my side", he said with a wink.

"Harry...", started Draco.

"It's okay, if you don't - you know - it's just - I - I want you to know that - that I really like working with you. I'm glad we've put our differences aside, and I wouldn't want anyone else but you to take the photos of me", he rambled out. What was he being so shy for. He was a man who normally took what he wanted.

And he wanted Draco.

But did Draco want him back? He thought not, if his face was anything to go by. Draco just looked at him and said, "I will always be by your side Harry - and you don't have to thank me for anything. It's I that should be thanking you. And to say I'm sorry for all the shit that these so called friends are putting you through".

They smiled at each other and when Draco told him that Blaise and Pansy wanted to know what he had whispered, Harry laughed out loud. "Did you tell them?", he asked.

"Fuck no. If they ask you, you can if you want", he said with his own wink. And when he did that, Harry decided he was going to pounce. That wink said so many different things, that he knew if he didn't take a chance now, he may not get another one.

So he walked towards Draco, and put a hand around his throat. He looked at him as if he were asking permission, then he leaned in when he saw Draco's eyes darken, and swiped his tongue over those gorgeous lips, that always drew his attention.

When Draco opened his mouth to receive him, Harry groaned. He raised his other hand, and wrapped that one around his throat as well, pulling Draco to him, so their chests were connected. Kissing him deeply, he was starting to lose himself. He could feel his whole body become warm from touching the blond, and he loved the feeling.

Draco's mind was in overdrive. Harry Potter kissed like he did everything else. With passion and a determination to win. Moaning as their tongues swirled around, finally connected, he put his hands in Harry's hair and pulled tight, making the savior groan again. Jesus fuck, he could come just from Potter's kisses. They were so demanding and filled with such authority, that Draco wanted to drown in them.

When Harry finally pulled away, he looked into the mercury orbs of Draco, panting. His own green eyes filled with the endless lust that he had been feeling for a while now, and he really wanted Draco to know that. They just kept staring at each other, not talking, trying to take in what had just happened between them. Then Draco's face broke into a smile, making Harry smile back at him.

"Harry", he said breathlessly. "I was wondering when you were going to do that", he said, closing his eyes, hoping to be kissed again. And he was, and it was better than the first time. This is what he wanted again and again and again. Potter's mouth on his, warm and wanting, and he reveled in it.

"I've been dying to ever since the first staff meeting", he replied after the second kiss. "But you were such an insufferable prat, that I had to hold back. I thought you hated me".

"No. I never have. What I hated was you looking hot all the time, and not seeing what it was doing to me", came the reply.

Harry swallowed again and smiled at him. "Should we tell the others?", he asked, knowing that they were a couple now without even asking Draco. It was how it was meant to be.

"Fuck no", he said again. "Let them figure it out on their own", he said with a smirk.

"Pansy will. She's not stupid", said Harry with his own smirk.

"Good, now kiss me again Potter", demanded Draco and Harry did as he was told. Only now, their cocks were starting to get hard from all the pent up passion between them, and they knew they had to stop because they had a photo shoot to get ready for.

When they pulled away, with a promise of what was going to happen after work, they went back to looking at the clothes on the rail, and finally came up with an outfit for Harry. It was a pair of tight fitting red leather pants, with a see through dress shirt that was white.  A colorful loose tie would be hung around the collar while it was pulled up.  

His hair would be left the way it was, creating a just shagged sexy look.

After that, they chose a baby blue suit to make him look the professional that he was.  With styled hair, they had him pose outside, looking serious in some photos, and casual in others.  When they had finished with the shoot, they all went to the conference room to have a look at what photo to choose for their next magazine issue that was due in two days time.

They chose the one in the red leather pants, where Harry had hooked a thumb in the waist of the pants, and his shirt was open to show off his beautiful sculpted chest.  His other hand in the back pocket of the pants.  His green eyes capturing an unseen audience, and he was biting his lip.  Which was swollen from the snogging, but he loved the look.  

So did everyone else apparently, and Pansy had to look twice at the picture, before she knew exactly what had taken place in the wardrobe.

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