5. Water Shoot

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Draco, Pansy and Blaise had taken Harry to get measured and had taken his shoe size.  Asking him all sorts of questions like, was he allergic to anything, what was his daily intake of carbs, what was his exercise regime and so on.  They weren't going to send him for a haircut just yet, because Draco had whispered to Pansy that he wanted to do a shoot with his long hair first, and see how it came out.

He had told them that the only carbs he did was beer on the weekends, no more than six, and he loved pasta with a passion.  He wasn't allergic to anything that he knew about - food or fabric - and when he told them about his daily routine of exercise they were stunned.  But his physique told them that he was telling the truth, and asked if he would be comfortable doing a photo shoot right now.  Not one for shunning any kind of work, he agreed.

Pansy dragged him away to go and put an outfit together, while Draco shouted out demands, telling the apprentices that he wanted a plastic swimming pool half filled with water, and to hurry up about it.  "Chop chop, every second you waste, is a galleon that you're throwing away for Merlin's sake!", he would snap.

The staff at Zabini's were used to his snappy manner and anyone would tell you if you asked them, that they were secretly afraid of him.  But in truth, they knew he was like that because he loved his job, and he was the best at it.  His bark being much worse than his bite, there were a lot of women who worked there, who thought that Draco Malfoy was the next best thing since sliced bread.  He himself was a vision.  He had grown his hair out to just below his neck, and had covered his dark mark with a tattoo of his own design.

The skull had been colored in, causing the background to look shady, like a foggy night, and the snake had been given different colored flowers on his long coiling body.  He had added a small imitation of his Hawthorne wand being held by a hand, emitting sparks, as if he was signifying a cry for help.  It was stunning.

"Draco", called Blaise.  Draco turned around and watched as his friend approached him.  Blaise had been his friend forever, and had been with Draco through all of his highs and lows, and knew him better than he knew himself.

"Yeah", he answered.

"You're okay with Potter working with us?", he asked kindly, knowing the man used to hold an enormous crush for the golden boy.  He just wasn't sure if he still felt the same.  He needed to find out, because that could put a spanner in their project.  Not that he would ever deny anyone receiving love, but he had to be sure.

"Of course", he replied, taking his different lenses out of his bag.  "It just came out of left field, as I'm sure you know.  But, we will only know the result if he can do it, after these photos are developed", he said with finality.  He knew what Blaise was thinking, and had to curb those thoughts before they even started.

"You saw his photos from my dad.  Do you think, in your brilliant capacity, that he will be able to step up to the plate?", asked the agent.

Draco thought for a while.  "I'm not giving him special treatment, if that's what you want to know.  I will push him the same way I push all the models.  And to answer your question, yes I think he will.  Your dad has a knack for spotting talent", came the reply.

"I just want you to feel comfortable, I know how you used to feel about him hon", he said with a soft voice.

Draco looked at him then.  "Yeah", he whispered.  "I can't afford to still feel like that though, can I?", he asked.  Blaise squeezed his arm, and answered.  "That's up to you", with a wink and then left to go and take a seat, ready to watch what Harry Potter was going to deliver.  And if these shots were going to be anything like those his father had taken, they were all in for a hell of a ride.

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