3. Impossible!

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Frank Zabini had gone home that night with a light heart and a skip in his step. His son Blaise was the best agent that he had and managed the models brilliantly. He couldn't wait to give him the news of their new model and tell him that a contract had already been signed. He said good bye to his staff and made his way home.

Frank Zabini was a man who was above board. He had no time for bullshit, lies or tardiness. His main focus was his family and his agency. Starting from humble beginnings, he had made the most of every opportunity, and had grown to be the successful business man that he was. His son Blaise had attended Hogwarts, always spending any of his spare time with his two friends, Pansy Parkinson and Draco Malfoy.

Who also just happened to work for him. Draco was the one of, if not the best photographer this side of London, and Pansy was a stylist that attended to their model's hair and wardrobe with flair. She took no shit from anyone, and all who worked with her knew that with just a look, she could destroy the world if she wished. If Pansy said that the shoes weren't right with the outfit, then that was law.

Which of course made Frank a very happy man. They craved success and they loved their wealth, and after being on the wrong side of the war, they had risen above the harsh words that were often spoken about them, and portrayed an essence of stability and power wherever they went. They, just like Harry Potter had all just turned 20. It had been a while after the war, and all the pieces of their puzzle were falling into place perfectly.

When the Ministry had asked Zabini's Fashion House to assist with their war project, he called his staff together, and they came up with a plan. Gain new talent, plaster his or her face all over London, and watch the orphanage build itself. A very well structured plan, but Frank had been given a deadline. He had one month to do this, and was at his wit's end before that fateful night that he had found Potter on the dance floor.

When he arrived home he wasn't surprised to see Draco and Pansy there going over some photos of previous shoots that had happened earlier in the week. He greeted them in a friendly manner and asked the three of them to join him in the lounge, he had spectacular news for them. They looked at each other, arranged drinks and did as they were told.

"Hey dad. I haven't seen you look this excited since the war was won -. What's going on?", asked Blaise as he took a seat and handing his father a glass of whiskey.

Frank took the glass, thanking his son and told them his fabulous news. "The orphanage project can go ahead, with Zabini's Fashion House. I have found us a stunning model", he announced.

"Cheers", said all three of them, and clinked their glasses together. They knew that Frank had a good eye when it came to spotting beauty and talent, and would never question his choices. The models that worked for them had been nothing but profitable, but still wanted a name to be uttered.

"Is it a man or a woman?", asked Pansy, hoping for a man. They had enough females, and there really weren't enough men willing to pose on satin sheets these days. She would have so much fun putting him in clothes, she thought to herself.

"It's a man", he said with a smile.

"Thank Merlin for that", Pansy cried out. "God knows I have enough woman crying about their bloody lack of sleep, or that the hairstyle I ordered doesn't suit them. Who is it, anyone we know?", she asked taking a sip from her glass.

Frank Zabini, not having any knowledge about their feud at school just blurted out the name, hoping their excitement was going to as real as his was. "It's Harry Potter", he said, and before he gave them a chance to object or choke on their drinks, he pulled out the set of photos that he had taken just moments before.

"Potter", sneered Draco. "That man has no talent Frank, honestly!"

"Actually, I think you'll find that he has many", and he threw the stack of photos on the desk, wanting them to see firsthand what Harry had to offer.

As one, they set their glasses down and crowded around the coffee table. Kneeling on the plush carpet, it was Pansy who reached for them first, and laid them out in front of them. There were fifteen photos in total, and even she had to admit that she was blown away.

The first row of photos showed Harry sitting on the barstool, deep in thought, laughing, biting his bottom lip, his hands folded as if in prayer and one of the photos was moving, showing him winking at the camera.

The second row, Frank had asked him to undo all the buttons on his shirt and to leave it open. There he was standing, with one knee on the barstool, then his hands were in his pockets, then his hands were in his hair, and his eyes looking sultry, and finally his thumbs hooked into his jeans. There was one where you could see the outline of his bulge, that's how perfect the jeans fit him.

The final row showed that he had removed his shirt. There were photos of his back, and some of his front, all the time capturing his beauty that Draco, Pansy and Blaise never knew the man even had. The piercing green eyes, how the corners would crinkle up when he laughed, his perfect white teeth when he smiled, the slight stubble on his jawline. His longer hair, and of course the jewelry in his ears and around his neck. The thing that caught their eyes however, were the beautiful tattoos that were on his skin.

There had to be stories surrounding the artwork, because who puts a bloody phoenix on his back. And the Hungarian Horntail dragon that was curled around his left forearm, holding onto her golden egg just as it had happened in fourth year. There were too many to look at, and would save that for another day.

He was, in a word, breathtaking.

"Impossible", whispered Draco. Pansy and Blaise looked at him and sniggered. They knew all about his obsession with Potter, and now that Potter was going to work for them, his rants would start all over again.

"Why do you say that Draco?", asked Frank.

"Potter has never had beauty. He has always been a obnoxious brute, quite clumsy if I recall correctly, but never beauty", he said again, knowing that he was lying through his teeth.

Blaise told his dad that they had been in the same year at Hogwarts, making his father nod in understanding.

"Well, tell me what you think. All of you. And be honest", he said. "And might I add, he was a true gentleman when he came to our meeting", he said. "Kept calling me Sir", he said.

Draco, Pansy and Blaise looked at each other with raised eyebrows. That sounded like Potter. His kindness was world known. But it was impossible to believe that it actually was Potter.

Blaise asked his dad, "I'm going to be his agent, aren't I?", to which his father replied yes.

Blaise nodded and said he was looking forward to it. "He's already signed has he?", he asked. His father said yes, Harry had already signed.

And as impossible as the task at hand seemed, Blaise knew they were going to find out a lot of things that they didn't about the savior.

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