13. Drinks

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Blaise had invited Harry to go with them to a club for drinks, and he had said yes. It would be nice to unwind for a change. He had dressed in black leather pants, black boots, and see through black top with the cuffs rolled up just twice, and the buttons open to his navel, his bangles and silver chains back in place once more. He slapped on some Intense aftershave, ran a hand through his still wet hair, and waited for the car to arrive.

The earrings he had chosen for tonight was a set gifted to him by Zabini's. It was a pair of striking midnight blue lightning bolts, encased in silver - hanging off a slim chain. Both dangling in his one ear, he looked beautiful. In his other ear, he wore a moon stud and a star stud. Depicting mother nature.

He decided to leave his phone at home, so the possibility of it getting stolen much less. He had also messaged Hermoine telling her that he wasn't going to be available until the next day, don't miss me too much! When he heard the honk of a car horn, he opened the door, and dashed outside.

All three of his staff were already inside, and took one look at the savior. Blaise said he looked good enough to eat, making Harry blush in that stupid way he did, thought Draco. Pansy rose an eyebrow and told him he looked like a fuck toy, making Draco drop his head in his hands. Which was enough of a response for Harry to ask if he should go and change.

"Hell no Potter. You look perfect", sniggered Pansy, who was enjoying Draco's discomfort a little too much. The rest of the ride was silent, and had Harry paying attention to what the others were wearing. Pansy had on a little black dress with stockings and six inch heels. Blaise had on a black denim and a light blue dress shirt and dark blue jacket. Draco had on white leather pants, with a pale pink see through dress shirt.

His hair also left to hang loose, and was that lip gloss on his lips. Harry kept staring at him, making Pansy and Blaise take notice. The way his eyes would roam up and down the lithe body of their friend, the way his eyes would come to a stop when it reached his Adam's apple, the way Harry would lick his lips, almost as if he was anticipating what the night was going to bring. And he didn't stop staring, even when Draco raised his own eyes, and met Harry's for what seemed like a stare down.

When they arrived at the club, Blaise said he would go and get the drinks after taking all of their orders. They sat at a round table, with booth like chairs. Pansy making sure that Harry and Draco sat next to each other, much to Draco's disgust. Not that he didn't want to, but it seemed like they were trying to set him up. Merlin, he was in trouble. Fuck, Potter was hot!

Their drinks hadn't even arrived yet, when they were approached by a man asking Harry if he wanted to dance. He said maybe later, wanting to get an alcohol buzz first.

"Come and find me later then", he said with a wink and left them.

Draco turned towards Harry and saw that he was frowning. "What Potter? He not good enough for the savior?", he spat out.

And for once, because Harry was quite liking sitting next to beauty himself, answered with the truth. "No, he's not", and left it at that.

When Blaise arrived with their drinks, they toasted to a job well done. Not just the cover and the statement, but the beach shoot as well. But they were not here to talk shop, they were here to relax.

Harry was drinking whiskey on the rocks, Blaise and Pansy went for a gin and tonic, while Draco had a martini. Like the spoiled little snob that he was. Conversation was small talk for a while, asking Harry what he had been doing with his life before Frank Zabini had accosted him. After ordering another round of drinks, he told them what he had been doing and when the talk steered towards WHY he didn't become an Auror, they could see the change on his face instantly.

"Too much fighting. I think I've done enough of that to last me forever. And being an Auror, meant that I would have to keep on fighting, and I didn't want to do that", he said with a sigh.

"But you're a born warrior Potter", said Draco who was really interested in the story. And of course the way it was being told. He was looking at Harry's open shirt, admiring his chest, and could make out a nipple, just inside of it. And listening to that voice was surely going to be the death of him.

"Careful Malfoy, that almost sounded like a compliment", said Harry with a smile. Draco gave a small smile back and waved his hands so that Potter could continue his story. In between, the man from before came back and asked Harry to dance, to which Draco told him to fuck off, they were having a conversation.

"Thank you Draco", he said sincerely. "I wasn't in the mood, and he's not my type", he said with a wink, but thankful that the talk had changed.

"You still haven't answered Draco's question though", said Blaise. "About you being a born warrior?", he repeated.

Harry looked at them and said that maybe that was a conversation for another day. Then he stood up to go to the bathroom.

"WAIT A GODDAM MINUTE!", shrieked Pansy. The two men looked at her in confusion, and then she said, "Not Potter's type!".

They both looked at her with wide eyes, realizing that he had just outed himself. Pansy had heard only rumors, but if what Potter had just said, they had just been confirmed. Oh, she was going to get to the bottom of this.

"You think he's gay?", asked Draco with a shaky voice.

"Bisexual at least. I have heard talk, but none of it was ever confirmed", she stated. "Don't say anything to him when he comes back. All this talk of the Aurors made him uncomfortable, and I don't want to ruin his evening".

They agreed, and by the time they all looked up, they saw that Harry was at the bar ordering yet another round of drinks for their table. When he arrived, he saw that the mood had changed. With his very overbearing and powerful magic, he realized that he had been the topic of conversation, and not only that, they all seemed happy. Giddy, for some unexplained reason.

He clinked glasses with them again, and watched as Blaise took Pansy to the dance floor to let of some steam. He watched them moving together, the way that their hands knew where to touch and what to do. How they were so in sync with each other, he turned to Draco and asked, "How long have they been a couple?".

Draco burst out laughing at the question. "Oh Potter, you certainly know how to make me laugh", he said with a chuckle. "Pansy and Blaise are not a couple. We are all single, and all extremely gay. And proud of it", he said and clinked his glass with Harry's again.

Harry thought that Christmas had come early. Draco Malfoy was gay! He licked his lips and said in a whisper, "Would you like to dance Draco?", hoping for a yes, but betting on a no.

"With you?" he whispered back.

"Yeah", said Harry in his sexy voice.

"What, so now I'm second choice Potter?", he asked with a sneer. "The man you asked at the bar said no, so now I must be the one to soothe your ego?", he asked.

Harry had no idea where this was coming from and frowned in confusion. "What?....I didn't ask.. anyone at the bar to dance with me Malfoy", he said with a bite.

"Bullshit. I saw you", and he looked towards the dance floor again.

Harry had just about had enough coming from the blond prat, and thought he would make a night of it. He stood up, took a wad of cash out of his wallet, and slapped it on the table. Draco saw the movement and wondered what he was doing.

"You don't fucking know me Malfoy, all you do is judge me and I'm sick of it", panted an angry Harry.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going Potter?", he drawled out.

"Never mind. Tell them I said thanks for the drinks", and turned around and was gone by the time Blaise and Pansy had returned.

The truth of it was, that Harry never had asked anyone to dance. He had been talking to someone there, and when the barman asked if he wanted a glass with his beer, the customer had shaken his head no.

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