12.At The Beach

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The car that had picked Harry up at home was the same car from the previous day, and when he climbed inside, he saw that he and the driver were the only people inside. Blaise had said that one of them would always accompany him, so he wondered who it was going to be. After a short drive, they came to a house that Harry didn't recognize.

When the door opened, he saw that it belonged to Pansy. Blaise had asked her to ride with Harry this morning, because he wanted a word with Draco. She of course knew what was coming and had agreed. She climbed in and greeted Harry with a peck on his cheek.

"Morning gorgeous", she squealed. Harry smiled at her, never seeing this side of her before.

"Morning Pansy", he said back. "You're cheerful today", he commented.

"Of course I am - I had wild sex last night", she said with a smirk making him blush. He turned towards the window and didn't ever bother answering.

"Don't tell me you're the shy type Potter", she said with a chuckle.

"No - just not the kiss and tell type Parkinson", he said back with his own laugh. They made more small talk and arrived at their destination just a few minutes later. When they got out of the car, Harry could see that there were huge umbrellas on the beach, together with different lights, and panels for shading. He had been told that this would be for their summer line, and so had dressed in a pair of shorts and T shirt.

He made his way towards wardrobe where his own clothes were replaced with a Zabini line, that hadn't been selling all that well to date. They hoped that putting Harry in the outfits was going to change that. Wizards weren't normally into shorts, but if they liked what they saw - like on the cover - then that would at least account for a change of heart, or so they hoped.

So when Harry stepped out of the wardrobe tent, wearing just a pair of very tight fitting shorts with no shirt, of course people were going to stare. And of course their mouths were going to be open at the wonder of a semi naked hero. All except one person that was.

He was also in awe of what was in front of him, he just had the decency not to show it. He did however have the sinful mouth to curse and swear at everyone who was ogling the man.

"Oi! Back to work you lot. Don't act like you've never seen a bloody chest before", snapped Draco at them. They all stopped their staring and carried on doing what they were supposed to. Harry looked up at the raised voice of his enemy, and frowned, not knowing what the hell was going on.

His long hair had been left the way it was, and they had put suntan oil all over his front and back. He was barefoot, and was waiting to be told what to do. His presence was - no other way to describe it - breathtaking. As if his magic was thrumming around him, pulsing softly like the purr of a kitten, drawing you in - making you want to be around him and just touch or cuddle. It was very powerful and very sexy.

Draco looked at him from top to bottom, and even gave a slight whimper at the beautiful sight in front of him. Then without thinking, he started barking out orders to any who would listen. And those that didn't were going to raked over the coals.

"Where the fuck is my shading Carl?"

"You! Don't just stand there, bring me some water".

"Potter, turn this way - and now the other way!".

"Potter, walk into the ocean".

"Potter, get out of the ocean".

"Potter, I swear to Merlin if you don't focus, I'll hex you!".

And so it went on and on, and everyone was paying strict attention. Especially Harry, because he knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of that vicious tongue. And he really didn't want to lose it in front of anyone here. They were all doing their best to perform for Malfoy, and he hated the fact the Malfoy couldn't see it.

Well, maybe he could and chose to ignore it.

He had Harry run on the beach, take a dip in the ocean, and when the model walked out of the water, it was like time stopped. He was spending so much film on just this one take, he had to keep telling Potter to stay where he was, he needed to reload his camera. So shot after shot was taken, and at the end of the day, everyone was exhausted from the heat and the grueling demands of the photographer.

Draco was in a mood because of the talk that he and Blaise had had earlier that morning. He knew when he lost his shit at Potter's house the day before, that his true colors or intentions were maybe shining through, and he was glad that he had pulled back. Only to be reprimanded by his friend that he either embraces it, and tells Potter. Or, he lets go and treats Potter with the same professionalism that he always had with the other models.

He had mumbled something like he would think about it. To which Blaise replied and said, "Chop chop Draco. Every time you are rude to him, he thinks it's his fault. He thinks he's done something to offend you - why else would he keep apologizing?".

Draco nodded and said he would. "It's just hard you know. For years I've harbored a secret crush on him, and he's so fucking oblivious. Not only that, he has to go and have the perfect body, the perfect manners - I hate him....", he sighed.

"No you don't", said Blaise. He could see the turmoil that his friend was dealing with and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Look, he's actually a nice guy. Why don't we all go out for drinks after work tonight, with Potter, and you can get to know him", offered Blaise.

He looked at his friend and said okay. Then it was time for the female models to be introduced to the shoot, and you can bet your bottom dollar, that Draco was not pleased.

Not when they were all wearing bikinis that almost covered the bare necessities, not when one of the models put her arm around his waist, and not when Harry laughed out loud at something she whispered. His hands were shaking so much in anger, that he wondered (hoped) that none of those photos were going to come out the way they should.

And he was going to blame it on Potter. Or the camera, depending on how he felt at the time.

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