7. The Brightest Witch

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It was still early when Harry had arrived home, and so used the Floo network to call on Hermoine. He needed to tell someone about how his life had changed, and everything else that went with it. She answered and said she would be over soon, and offered to bring a bottle of wine. Harry laughed and said that would be welcome.

He took out two steaks and readied his frying pan, sliced some onions and mushrooms for the sauce, and had made a Greek salad all before she had arrived. Just as she entered his kitchen, he placed the steaks in the pan, having them sizzle slowly. They greeted each other with a hug, and then sat down at his kitchen table.

He waved his hand and two wine glasses came to the table, and after he was done pouring, he tapped his glass against hers and said, "Cheers", with a smile.

"You look different - happy", she noticed. Harry had gone through a heartbreaking episode after the war, where he had found Ginny in bed with another bloke. When he had walked into her bedroom, after Ron shouting out when he climbed the stairs, to not go upstairs, he ignored it and did just that. He just stood there and watched them, his voice leaving him, because this couldn't be true. Didn't she tell him just yesterday that she loved him?

He glared at what was happening, and finally cleared his throat, announcing his presence. When they stopped kissing and saw that it was Harry at the door, they both clamored to get their clothes back on. With Ginny trying to explain that it isn't what it looked like, and she can explain. The more she tried to talk, the faster Harry was climbing back down the stairs just so that he could escape and not have to deal with her.

He gave one final look at his so called best friend Ron, and left the Burrow, slamming the door behind him. He had gone back to his place, closed his wards and wallowed in self pity and guilt for the better part of a month. It was only on a trip to Diagon Alley that he had run into Hermoine and had told her what had happened. She had been in France with her parents, and he didn't want to infringe upon family time to sulk and pout.

She gave him a hug and said that maybe it was time to let go. Harry looked terrible. Bags under his red rimmed eyes told her that he spent all of his time crying and none of it sleeping. He had lost a lot of weight. Hermoine had been the one to pick up the pieces and for that he would always love her. Hermoine had been the one to introduce him to new people, affording him time to rediscover himself. Hermoine had been the one to help him forget the whole blasted story.

It was only after the first meeting with Hermoine that Harry realized that Ron had known all about his sister's betrayal. He was the one who had shouted that he shouldn't go upstairs, and Harry just didn't have enough forgiveness in his heart for him this time. Ron had betrayed him too often, and Harry found that he was more than okay with that. With friends like Ronald Weasley, who the hell needed enemies?

Ron had tried to contact him several times, only to find that he had been shut out of Harry's wards, and more importantly out of Harry's life. It was Hermoine that told him to leave Harry alone, because there was no coming back from this. She was disgusted with him, and severed all ties with him as well. They were not children anymore, and she would not base her future with a man who thought what he had done was the right thing just because it involved his sister.

It had all happened because Ginny kept begging Harry for sex, and he kept saying that he wasn't ready for the next step. Yes, he loved her, but he felt that something was holding him back. It seemed that Ginny didn't like that answer, and so went looking for what Harry couldn't give to her. Which apparently, was cock.

She had also tried to contact him, using her parents as the excuse to get him to go and visit. He lost his temper the one day, and sent a Patronus to Molly Weasley, telling her that while he would love to see her again, it would not happen at the Burrow. He said if she had any questions, to ask Ginny and Ron. Whether she did, he never bothered to find out.

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