2. The Contract

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Harry, who was also a man who did what he wanted without any permission, and who always followed his gut, had decided that he wasn't going to share anything with his friends just yet. He was going to do this alone, and until he was satisfied with the bottom line, then only would he spill his secret.

He had looked at the business card over and over again for a week, and had made the decision to call this Mr Zabini so that he could find out more. He wasn't going to lie to himself, he was a tiny bit interested in what the man had to say. So on a Friday evening, he picked up his mobile and dialed the number on the card.

A meeting was set for the following day, and after Harry had written down the information, he sat back and opened himself a well deserved beer. After drinking it, he went to his closet to choose an outfit for the meeting. Hermoine had accompanied him to town one day in an effort to change his wardrobe, and he was thankful for a friend like her. No more big clothes that didn't fit, no more hand me downs. Every single purchase that day had been bold, but he was a changed man, and so a changed wardrobe was necessary.

He arrived at the address that had been given and was shown into an office immediately. The lady at the reception area told him that Mr Zabini would see him shortly. He waited for about six minutes, and when the door opened, they shook hands again. Harry could feel his heart beating faster, and Frank Zabini could see his sales and ratings going up. He wasn't sure if Harry was going to say yes, because all he had said over the phone was, that he would like to come and see him about the proposal.

He liked to think that if Harry Potter did say no, that he had the ability to change his mind. He could usually read people, and hoped that this time around it wasn't going to be any different. He offered Harry a seat on the bulky couch, and took one for himself. He looked at Harry up and down and liked what he saw all over again.

Harry had dressed in a tight figure hugging black denim with a black dress shirt. The buttons were only there for show it seemed, as the first three had been left open, showing off his magnificent chest, and the sleeves had been rolled up to just below his elbows. Harry Potter was - it looked like - not a formal man, but more one of a casual nature and status.

It had to be the humble side of him shining through. "Thank you for calling back Mr Potter", said Frank.

"Please call me Harry. When you spoke to me the other night, your words blew me away", he said raising his eyebrows.

Frank Zabini looked at him in confusion.

"You called me a stunning man", he reminded him.

"Because you are Harry", said Frank. "But you obviously don't think so?", he asked the savior.

Harry had never thought of himself as beautiful. Or stunning. "No Sir", he said factually. "I am very flattered", he said.

"I meant it. And I would like to offer you a contract with my agency. To be a model - you would of course wear Zabini's fashion, and all accessories would be yours after every shoot", he stated.

Harry looked at the man and thought he was hearing things. "I'm sorry, did you say model?", he asked just to be sure. Did this man not know that Harry hated the limelight?

It was as if Frank could read his mind. "Harry, you wouldn't have an audience while the shoot is taking place, you know that right? The pictures that we would take of you will go into the Zabini Fashion magazine, and after every shoot you would be free to leave. The remuneration is quite excellent actually as well, in case you were wondering about that", he said.

Harry wasn't bothered about money. And although he had wealth, he never flaunted it. He took a deep breath and told Frank to start at the beginning. To explain what being a model meant from start of day, to the end of it. He needed to know what he was letting himself in for. Frank smiled at the positivity, and asked his secretary for coffee.

"First of all, every season we have new styles and trends. This includes formal and informal wear, shoes, underwear, jewelry and even aftershave. Your job would be to don the outfits of the season, have a photographer take photos of you, and when the day is done, you can go home. But there are rules. Such as your diet needs to be monitored. What public places you visit, and who you go with etc. If you decide to take the opportunity, your life will change. Harry Potter will become a household name", he said, paying no attention to the fact that it already was.

"There are sometimes themes that the public want to see in our editions, such as if it is Christmas, the photos we take will have that theme and so on. Also there are different locations that we would visit". he said again.

Harry took a sip of his dark bitter coffee, and wondered what the cons were. He had no trouble wearing something that was made for his body, he also had no issues with the public places thing, he was a wizard, he could perform a concealing or glamor charm when he went out. His diet was already strict, and he followed a strict exercise regime daily, so that wasn't the problem. It was the whole Harry Potter becoming a household name thing that didn't sit right with him. He was trying to leave all of that behind.

But the next words out of Frank's mouth changed his mind immediately. "All wizarding businesses have been asked to assist with a project to aid orphans and victims of the war. A 30% profit of every shoot will go towards that project, so you would in fact be working for them as well as yourself", he offered with a smile. He knew of the unfailing kindness of Harry Potter, and he wasn't telling him just to get him to sign before another agency grabbed him. It was the truth and he had promised that he would deliver.

Harry looked at him and smiled. "In that case, you can have the contract drawn up, and then tell me when we start".

Frank Zabini gave a hearty laugh and pulled out the contract that had already been typed up. Harry laughed with him and as he went through every little detail, he felt a shiver of excitement run down his spine. This was his new beginning. This is what he would be doing, helping in the after effects of the war in some way, albeit behind the scenes, and not training to become an Auror.

He signed on the dotted line, and then Frank Zabini told him that he starts on Monday morning. There would be no photo shoot, because they needed to take his measurements and whatnot. Also they were going to show him around the agency, take him to some of the locations where the shoots would be done, and introduce him to the other staff members.

He also asked if he could take a couple of photos of him now, so that he had something to show his staff, and Harry said yes. He was taken to a room where the only thing was a barstool. He had Harry sit on it, and told him to be himself. Which for Harry wasn't hard, and after the camera stopped clicking, he was told that he could leave.

Harry said thank you for the opportunity, and shook his hand again, looking very forward to the new chapter in his life.

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