14. Confrontation

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Harry had walked home from the club, not wanting to call a cab or even apparate. He needed the time to think about what had been said. He had promised himself that he wasn't going to be pulled into a petty argument tonight, but Malfoy made it so damn difficult. If he had so much hate and disgust for me, why the fuck did he come to the club with them.

The amount of nerve that Harry had plucked up to ask Malfoy to dance with him, no one would know. He had been wanting to do it ever since the strange guy had asked him to dance. He could see himself on the floor, moving to the music with Malfoy, letting go and just getting lost in the moment. Every time drinks were ordered, or there was small talk and even when they had toasted, he had wanted to ask.

He was dreading the fact that other men were going to ask Malfoy to dance, so thank Merlin that hadn't happened. Harry knew he would have been pissed about it.

But it seemed that he had been wrong. Again. Malfoy was never going to like him, and he even wondered if he wanted to go back to modeling. He had been given a few days off, before their very next magazine shoot, and was going to use it to think. He wasn't even going to turn his phone on. Fuck that, Malfoy could tell his agent what had happened and why he had left.

He reached his house in under an hour, and saw that there was someone sitting on his porch. He couldn't quite make out who it was, and when he had reached the steps, he saw that it was Ginny. Which was weird, because his wards were up. But then he remembered they were only up on the inside of his house, and not outside.

She looked up when she heard footsteps and her face broke into a smile. "Harry!", she said with an excited voice. He just looked at her, still angry from what had happened earlier, and then because of what she had done to him. He wasn't going to make this easy. She had betrayed him, and she had asked her brother to do the same.

"What do you want?", he said with no emotion.

"You know, just coming to see how you're doing", she said with a shrug and a smile, and standing up.

"I'm fine - you can leave now", he said back to her. He didn't want to open the door while she was still standing there. He was going to have to apparate then.

"Harry please, I came to apologize for what I put you through", she tried again, standing in front of him. She reached for him with her arms, and he stepped away.

"I said you can leave now", he said again. "And don't come back", he bit out, and with that apparated into the house. Shaking and breathing heavily, he had no idea why she had come here, and hoped to Merlin that she never would again.

He didn't know what the effect of seeing her again was going to do to him, and he hated the fact that whenever he saw her face, the image of her being fucked by another man was all that came to his mind.

And he hated it. He hated her for what she had done to him. For how she had used him over and over again, and he hated it. It was a horrible feeling, having to hate someone, but the hurt demanded it. The betrayal, even though it was a year old, demanded it. Perhaps this was the reason that he had never had another lover after Ginny. He was too damn scared that he would be used the same way.

He looked through the windows and saw that she had indeed left, and poured himself a fresh whiskey. He had been enjoying his drink in the club when Malfoy had pissed him off, so this one was going to make up for it. Maybe a few more wouldn't hurt either. He felt the tears in his eyes, before they started flowing. He wanted to know the reason behind everyone hurting him. Well, not everyone.

But he was done caring. He was done playing nice, all it did was make you lose what you cared about. He was going to have to do some serious soul searching and hide all the good. People didn't want good. They didn't want nice. They wanted rough, tough and selfish.

But, if it hadn't been said before, Harry Potter was one of a kind. He would never change his views because the world told him to. But he was going to have to rethink what it was that he wanted, and how he was going to achieve it.

He woke up on his couch hours later to a pounding in his head and a pounding on his front door. With a very dry mouth, still wearing the same clothes from the night before, he came to the conclusion that he had passed out from perhaps one whiskey too many. He sat up and rubbed his face, which was a stupid move, the pounding in his head only becoming stronger.

The noise on the door had him wondering who the fuck it was at this time of the day. And he had every reason to ask that question, seeing as it wasn't even morning yet. It was his weekend off for fuck's sake! He rose up slowly, trying to ignore the nausea in his stomach, and made his way to the front door. He opened it quickly and with blurry eyes saw who it was on his doorstep.

Ronald Weasley.

"WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?. Chasing my sister away like some piece of trash?", he shouted, not even trying to come inside. Harry couldn't believe what he was hearing, and wasn't even going to bother with an explanation. He just stood there waiting for the rant to be over.

"She came here to tell you that she loves you and that she made a mistake. All she wanted was to talk and then you tell her to leave", he panted out, waiting for a reply.

Harry felt his anger rising to the surface. "It's been a year Ron!! None of you have contacted me for a whole year, so why now. She wasn't sorry last week or last month, why only last night?", he spat back. Probably the cover shoot, he thought with disgust. The fucking nerve of that bitch.

Choosing to ignore the blame being passed his way, he replied. "You never answered my letter, so I am going to assume that I was right. You prefer cock", he said with malice.

"No, I prefer a partner who doesn't cheat and a friend who doesn't betray me", he replied and slammed the door in his face.

His head worse than ever, he made his way towards the cabinet in his bathroom and rummaged around until he found a hangover potion. He downed it in one go, and feeling slightly better went for a shower, turned his phone off and climbed back into bed. Not giving a shit about anyone else for a change, except himself.

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