9. A Man In Uniform

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The truth about Draco's annoyance was the fact that he had seen Potter's schedule, and he knew what was coming today. And as much as he didn't want to admit it, he knew that Potter was going to look stunning in his next shoot. Well, he looked amazing in everything, but today was going to be the death of him.

Pansy had brought in the new line of fashion, and said that she wanted nobody else but Potter to model it. As if it had been made for his body. Draco hated that she was right, and agreed with her. And he was still pissed about the cover of the magazine that was coming out at midnight tonight. Gods, he hated Potter. And now the man of beauty was sitting next to him, pouting like a child who had just been reprimanded.

They reached the studio, where Draco waited until his door was opened for him, like the spoilt brat that he was. Harry on the other hand, opened his own door, and together they walked inside ready to face the day. He had been told not to wash his hair, it would be done here, and also not to use any aftershave. They were going to introduce their new fragrance today, and he was going to be the face of it.

Which was another reason for Draco being prissy. Billboards would be covering the whole fucking city with Potter's face, and so everywhere he looked, Potter would be there! God he hated his life. But he loved his job, and his job was to ensure that Potter looked ravishing in every single shot. He would make sure of it.

Harry was dragged away to have his hair washed and styled, while Pansy wheeled in the rail of all the clothes that he was going to wear today. The lady - Samantha - stood behind him at the basin, after she had come in, and started washing his hair with long and slow movements. Pansy had asked her to do his hair, as she was busy with the clothes.

Harry was enjoying it so much, he had started to groan his enjoyment. Samantha smiled, knowing that her hands were doing what was needed, but to hear the savior groan like that, made her lick her lips. Unbeknownst to her, Draco was standing in the doorway, and was looking at them with disdain. He had seen her smile, after hearing the groan and got pissed off again from the start. Then he walked up to her and slapped her hands away.

She got the message and left him to carry on. Harry's eyes were closed, and so he didn't see the interaction. Groaning again at the nimble fingers in his hair, he was losing himself, loving every second of it. "Why doesn't it feel like this when I wash my own hair?", he asked with a husky voice. 

Draco not being one to miss an opportunity of shocking the savior, answered in his own deep voice, because there was a lump in his throat, "Because we're professionals Potter", and carried on with his ministrations.

"Draco?", he asked with surprise. "Where is the lady that was here?", he asked, realizing too late that he was making conversation, something that he had told himself in the car, that he wasn't going to do. Draco tensed at those words, assuming that Potter wanted to flirt with her.

"What?! The great Harry Potter not happy that a death eater is touching him. The great Harry Potter want all the ladies to fall at his feet?", he snapped out and started rinsing Harry's hair.

Harry in the meantime was gripping the chair so hard, his knuckles were white. He didn't want to cause any further tension, and so just mumbled out, "That's not what I meant", doubting that Draco had even heard him.

After the conditioner had been applied and rinsed, Pansy walked in and found that Draco was washing his hands. Raising a brow at him, while Harry was busy drying his hair with a towel, she whispered, "Where's Samantha?" in his ear.

"She was almost coming in her panties from washing his hair so I sent her packing", he whispered back, knowing that Pansy was going to have something to say.

"Oh Draco", she said. He looked at her and in that moment she knew that the crush that he had on Potter had come back with full force. Question was, could he handle it, and still appear professional around the man. 

She hugged him, and he accepted it, telling her he was okay, he had to go and get ready. He dropped the towel he had used to dry his hands, and left the salon to go and prepare his lenses.

After Harry's hair style had been set - he looked gorgeous, she ushered him into his dressing room, and told him to get into the first set of clothes on the rail. When he was done with the shoot, he could put it at the back and so on. The new aftershave that she had left on his dresser was a square bottle - dark purple - filled with a golden liquid. It was simply called Intense. Harry slapped some on his throat and chest, running his hands through his hair after, before leaving to pose for his first session of the day.

When he arrived there were more staff members here this time, and Harry felt a little bit uncomfortable. Pansy could see this and went to him to reassure him that he was going to be glorious. "You look dashing Harry", she said, loving a man in uniform.

Harry was wearing a midnight blue and gold suit. There were two faint lines of gold on the outside legs of the pants, and the trim on the blazer was also gold. The buttons on the blazer/jacket were gold and blue. The accessories that they had put out for him to wear was a watch from Zabini's, and a set of earrings that were gold studs encasing diamonds. His hair had been blow dried, his fringe causing a wave of perfection, showing off his lightning bolt scar.

The poses that Harry had been ordered to use by Draco was nothing like before. He had told Harry to do what he wanted, and if there was something that Draco didn't like, he would tell him. Harry didn't look at him when he spoke, choosing to look at the floor, and did what was asked. Draco had seen the ignorant look on his face and put it down that Potter was still sulking.

He stood with his hands in his pockets. He removed his jacket and threw it over his shoulder. He flung it over his arm. He undid some buttons, giving them a glance at his muscular chest. He put one foot on a step that had been provided. Then it was time for the second outfit.

Harry went to change and came back just as breathtaking as before. This time, it looked he really had been shagged, because Pansy had run her fingers through his hair, making it seem that way. There was absolutely no style, it looked like a mess, and if there was one person who could pull off this look, it was Potter. The uniform this time was white, which included a captain's hat. Harry blew them away with his laughter, just at the drop of a hat.  

There were poses of him smirking, and then licking his lips, biting his lips, and winking, and it was an absolute miracle that Draco never came in his pants.

The third outfit had Harry wearing what looked to be a formal suit, paired with a set of robes for a function. Dark charcoal grey, the pants fit him as if they had been painted on, showing off his huge bulge and hugging his arse magnificently. A waistcoat of the same color and the cloak a lighter shade of grey. There was no jacket this time, and also no tie.

His shirt was closed up to his neck, and the look in his eyes changed when Draco called out, "Give me some passion Potter", making them grow dark. And Draco kept on clicking, walking around Harry to take every single picture that he could. His feet were killing him, but he wasn't going to stop until the roll of film was finished.

Harry had zoomed in on the word passion, and wished that Draco would be this open with him over a civil conversation.  But he also knew that would never happen.  At having his hair washed by the blond had been nice, but Malfoy had pissed him off with his words.

Technically, he could have lost his shit and demanded that another person tend to him, but he was still new to this world, and didn't want to piss any unnecessary people off.  So he let it slide, but he won't be doing that again.  The next insult from the blond was going to have him giving the blond a comeback of his own.

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