4. A Staff Meeting

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Monday morning had come sooner than expected, and Harry was feeling excitement, if not a little apprehensive.  He had been called and reassured by Frank over the weekend, that the staff were looking forward to meeting him, all he had to do was relax.  But Harry was jittery, because in the back of his mind, he knew the name Zabini.  He just couldn't place it, and decided that he would dwell on that later.

He had woken up at 4am, and had gone for his usual morning run.  After his hot shower, he had gotten dressed in a pair of faded blue denims and a white T shirt.  White sneakers finished the look.  He didn't bother with putting gel in his hair, opting for a casual look, because he wasn't sure exactly what was going to happen today, other than him being poked and prodded.  Because his hair was a bit long, he put it up in a man bun, and hoped that the stylist could at least do something with it.

He arrived ten minutes before he was supposed to, and asked the receptionist to let Frank know that Harry Potter was here to see him.  Frank arrived soon after, and took him to the offices in the back.  He greeted the man that he knew was going to be a big turn around in his magazine, and he was looking forward to the responses.  Whether they were going to positive or not, he didn't care.  But he knew that the world loved the man, so negativity would not be forthcoming.

They reached the doors to a big conference room, where Frank turned around and spoke to Harry before opening them.  "Harry, I am going to introduce you to the staff now, it's a sort of meeting so that everyone can get a glimpse of you.  After that you will have a separate meeting with your agent, photographer and stylist, all right?", he said.

Harry nodded with a smile and waited for him to open the doors.  They walked inside, and Frank took over immediately.  All whispers and chatter came to a sudden stop when they saw who was with him, but sat and waited with respect for him to start talking.  "Good morning my lovelies", he said with a smile.  They all greeted him back, and then he turned slightly to the side.

"For those of you who don't know, this is Harry Potter, our new model.  Please make him feel welcome, thank you", he said.  They all waved in greeting, and Harry nodded back to them with a smile.  "Now, each of you will stand up and introduce yourself to Harry, so that he knows who does what, and who he is going to be working with", he ordered calmly.

One by one they all stood up, and those that knew they weren't going to be working with him were slightly put out, but all in all it was over with quite soon.

"Pansy, I'm going to be your stylist", she said with a smirk.  Harry recognized her immediately and smiled at her in acknowledgment.  

"Blaise Zabini, I'm your agent", he said shaking Harry's hand.  "Welcome to Zabini's", he said with a smile.  Harry shook his hand and said thank you, recognizing the man and the name.

"Draco Malfoy, I'm the one that is going to shoot you", he said softly, watching Potter's face for any sign of anger.  Only there wasn't one.  Harry shook his hand too, with a smile, as if they were meeting each other for the first time.  He had often wondered what had happened to the blond Slytherin after attending his trial, and Harry had spoken out for all of them, it seemed he had become a photographer.

After everyone had introduced themselves, they all turned to Harry, as if they wanted him to say something.  But he was saved by the bell, with Frank saying thank you, and to please leave the conference room, Harry and his trio of staff needed the space.  He stood back, waiting for everyone to leave, and when the door closed behind them, he turned his attention to the three people that were going to be his shadow for a while.

Frank asked Harry to have a seat, and he sat opposite the three of them on one side of the table, where Frank was at the head.  Then he waited for their questions, because Frank had told them, that there were going to be a lot of them.

"Potter", started Draco.

"Actually, my name is Harry", he said licking and biting his lips with a naughty look.  Draco looked at him, and really didn't want the man to lead the meeting, or know what that look did to him, so he tried again.

"Potter - seeing as I am in charge of the photo shoots, I expect to see you here every morning bright and early.  No excuses and no whining about the early hours", he said.  Harry nodded and thought okay, Malfoy wanted to play it like that huh?

"Of course", he answered huskily.  

"Also, you have to wear whatever Pansy lays out for you - whether it's a leaf or a horrid orange jumpsuit.  All right?", he demanded, making Harry smile again.  

"If that's what you want, yes.  But I have to warn you, orange is not my color", he said with a chuckle, causing Frank and Pansy to snort.

"Harry, it really is good to see you", said Blaise.  "And I meant it when I said welcome.  While I am your agent, everything that happens in your life from today, has to go through me, can you understand that?", he asked.

"Frank has explained that, yes", he answered.  Then he turned his attention to Pansy.  The young woman who had tried to hand him over to Voldemort.  He had forgiven her ages ago, and he wondered if she knew that.

"Potter", she said.  "While Draco has said that you have to wear anything that I put out, please know that I prefer nakedness to any kind of leaf", with a laugh, making Harry burst out laughing that deep throaty laugh of his, breaking any kind of tension that had been there earlier.

Frank was watching them, and he knew that the perfect team was sitting at his table, and he couldn't wait to start working with Harry.

The staff meeting had been a success, and he left soon after so that Harry could become acquainted with the ways of the modeling world.

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