"Uh...yeah. Okay. What do you wanna know." Noah said quickly, clearing his throat and straightening a bit.

I watched his odd behavior for a moment before speaking, "Is it true they were all men?" I asked Noah.

"As far as I know, and they were all chosen by Dr. Grant himself." Noah replied, shifting in his seat and looking around.

My eyes widened at the mention of Dr. Grant's name. I leaned closer to Noah and lowered my voice, "What do you know about Dr. Richard Grant?"

Noah thought for a moment, "Well, he's the CEO of C.R.O.S.S. labs. He started this whole thing. He owns this compound and others like it."


"Yeah. You know the other departments. Aves...and Canis..." Noah said, waving his hand in dismissal.

I sat back in my chair. "Oh right, I heard them announce the other chosen interns at the annual genetics recruitment exposition at California State University. I think it was some girl named Aurora Hall for the Aves department and well...I can't remember the one for Canis actually." I said, furrowing my brow at the memory.

I remembered waiting among an anxious crowd of college graduates in the event hall at California State. There was a large black screen, that Dr. Richard Grant appeared on to announce the winners of three internship spots at C.R.O.S.S, his prestigious genetics laboratory. My name was the first one called for the PISCES department, and I must have been too shocked to process what happened the rest of the night.

Noah sighed, "Yeah, I'm not sure what caused Dr. Grant to decide to hire interns. I mean, when I applied it took an entire year of exams and paperwork to pass the screening." Noah grimaced, no doubt remembering the gruesome process.

"Does this have anything to do with the creature that escaped?" I asked quietly.

Noah froze. "I suppose it could, but who can say. Dr. Grant is a...private person."

"What happened with the creature exactly?" I asked, remembering Noah's vague explanation days ago. It was clear he knew more.

Noah shifted, "Lani...we're not supposed to talk about it."

I placed my hands on the table, "Please Noah, I just want to know what I'm getting myself into."

Noah ran a hand through his wavy blonde hair before fixing me with a defeated look, "Alright, well rumor is that Dr. Grant has been running secret experiments without the approval of the NSF's advisory board."

My eyes widened. "The Advisory Board of the National Science Foundation? Isn't that where he gets his funding?" I asked incredulously.

Noah nodded. "Yeah that's why he has to keep everything a secret. Anyways, rumor is he asked the board for approval to begin human experimentation, which they denied."

"Of course they did. That's madness!" I shouted, forgetting where we were. A few disgruntled customers cast disapproving looks at our table for my outburst.

I murmured a quick apology and lowered my voice, "Do you really think he's experimenting with human DNA?" I asked Noah.

Noah let out a breath. "I'm not sure, but he created something. Something smart enough to escape."

"So you know for sure it escaped? You said earlier that it just vanished."

Noah shook his head. "I didn't want to freak you out but when Flip found it, the door to the room was wide open, and the lock was ripped clean off...the steel lock."

"How do you know it was the creature that did that? Maybe somebody could have broke in and stolen it?" I asked in disbelief.

"Maybe, but Flip saw wet footprints leading from the tank to the door."

I opened my mouth to refute again but Noah cut me off with a look. Just in time the waiter approached carrying two large bowls of steaming ramen. The waiter set it down for us and then left once again.

I looked down at the food in shock. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Human experiments, an escaped potentially intelligent specimen, and runaway employees? I knew this place has secrets but I had no idea they would be this shady.

I took a swig of my drink and looked back at Noah. "If anything footprints would prove that someone broke in." I said still in disbelief.

Noah swallowed his bite of ramen and let out a sigh. "Footprints that were definitely not human."

"Oh my god..."


We said nothing else after that. We sat and ate our ramen in silence. When we finished, Noah paid and I drove him back to the compound to pick up his car.

As he made to leave my car he turned back to me, "It would be best if you didn't let people know what you knew." Noah said.

I looked at his cautionary gaze and nodded, watching as he left and went to his car. The sun had completely set now and it was a few hours past dark. I watched as Noah drove off, his headlights disappearing down the highway.

Once he was gone, I touched my bare neck, which once held my mothers necklace. My last piece of her. I let my eyes wander from the highway to the dark beach that lay beyond it.

Species Unknown [Book 2: Pisces)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن