Chapter 5: Of the Jungle, we shall blaze!

Start from the beginning

Soejammy: Oh, for the love of, if you wanted to sit upside down, I could have ordered a special seat for you, Mr. Starman.

Even though he was upside down in his seat, Sora still somehow managed to send a glare towards me for the wrong name.

Sora: My name... Is Sora!!

Soejammy: Whatever you say, Mr. Star.

I heard Sora beginning to yell as he dove in onto me as he began to pull on my face from behind and at my hair, the ship would stop and go forward each time I struggled.

Soejammy: Hey! Get back in your seat, or I'll give you a reason for seeing stars!!

Sora: Then get my name right for once, you know what it is!!

As Sora kept pulling at my face and hair, my struggling kept making the ship move forward. No one seemed to notice as we were all busy struggling or trying to get Sora off me. Only stopping and realizing the situation when Jiminy yelled to get our attention,

Jiminy: I would hate to disturb you when you're busy, but your struggling is causing the ship to move forward each time! Someone needs to get back on the controls now!

Soejammy: Yeah, tell it to "Mr. Grabby-pants"!!!

Sora: MY NAME...! IS SORA!!!

While I had my hands on the steering wheel, Sora pulled me hard by my head as I had too much of a grip on the wheel, that it broke off. Sora and I looked at the wheel as we looked at each other and then at the wheel. I soon point to him and then to the wheel.

Soejammy: Now look at what you've done. Ya made me break the thing.

Sora: MY FAULT!?!?!

Soejammy: You were trying to pull on me. I was trying to keep the ship in control. But NOOOOOOOOO~ You had to make me break it, ya idiot.

Donald rushed in to see the damage done as he began to yell.

Donald: MY SHIIIIIIP!!! Why you-!!!!

Soejammy: Uh-oh, spaghet-

Before I could make a joke, Donald jumped on both Sora and I as the three of us got into a scuffle on the ship. Alarms were ringing as I felt we were almost near the world I knew we would be at, but I didn't pay any mind to that. I had to deal with a prepubescent child and a raving duck trying to kill me!!

Sora: Get my name right for once! You're the idiot here!!


Soejammy: Hey! I was doing well before "Sir Grapples" took my head-

Sora: NOT MY NAME!!!

I was having to deal with both people at the same time as Jiminy jumped out of Donald's hat along with Mini-Nep out of my pocket. They looked at the window and began to yell.

Mini-Nep: Nep, nep, neppity, nep!!!

Jiminy: Hey fellas!!

Sora, Donald and Soejammy: WHAT?!


The three of us got up, saw the terror on our friends' faces as we turned to the world we were rushing into.

Soejammy: Ah... Continue this fight another time lads?

Sora and Donald: Agreed...

Soejammy: Good, now...

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