seventeen| deal breaker pt 2

Start from the beginning

Tremaine choked laughing as he hit his chest with his balled fist. Sitting the short glass filled with liquor down on the table, he hit his chest again as he tried stifling his rough coughing. "Damn, Stevie, you--"

Stevie finished chewing her food as she herself began laughing. "-- I'm a material girl, I'm not stupid, c'mon you're getting something very valuable out the deal, and so am I, Tremaine. I've seen pretty woman. You got the cash and you can pay for some ass,"

"You do know she was a prostitute right? Besides this isn't that, I'm not buying sex from you. We're.. in other words, exchanging it, favor for a favor, just ... Sexually," He explained wiping his mouth with his napkin.

Stevie grabbed up her glass of Chardonnay, taking a sip. "Exactly, exactly exchange for exchange like I said, you want something? So do I and you're filthy fucking rich, pal, you think all I'm getting out this l is a nut? Yeah, negative I have some toys at home that'll make me cry. So as I said I'll agree to this risky rendezvous of yours? If, you'll agree to accommodate me. Which is listed there on the papers I've given to you, so, I'll give you time to read them. Go head I'll wait,"

Tremaine adjusted his glasses on his nose as he lifted up the folder to look inside at the papers. Relaxing his back against cushion of the booth they sat in. He quietly took the time to skim over the list Stevie typed up for him.

The entire LORVAE sunglass collection

• Six Telfar bags (the large ones)

Two Pandora bracelets w/ 5 charms a piece

• Three Blackwood bags

He laughed out loud. Catching himself he cleared his throat and continued to read. "Okay first off who the fuck I look like, Stevie, Santa Claus?" He closed the folder sitting it back down on the table.

"Hmm I knew you wouldn't--" Stevie started speaking.

"I didn't say I wouldn't, Stevie. Matter of fact? It's done, done deal," He shrugged grabbing the glass of Jack Daniels in order to take another sip. "To be honest? I thought the list would be outrageous. Like trip's to Dubai or maybe even a Birkin or some shit," He hissed at the burning in his chest from the liquor.

Stevie laughed shortly. "Yeah, no, fuck a Birkin, I'm a simple girl, so I like simple shit. But those are little thing's. This, this is the real list, just wanted to "test the waters'' here you go, Santa Claus," Stevie unfolded the slip of paper she had tucked inside of her purse, sliding it across the table towards him.

Tremaine grabbed the paper up. Unfolding it he fixed it so that he could read it. Immediately his head snapped back as he lowers the paper to stare over at Stevie, stunned. "Hell na' you off ya' rocker ma, ma. A rental for six months? And--" He moved to look at the paper yet again.

Rental car for six months ( preferably a Benz)

• A raise ( preferably 10% - 20% )

• Rent paid for a year

• Two blue french bulldog puppies

"Not one but two motherfucking french bulldog puppies? Stevie, them motherfuckers go for about $3,000. That's $6,000 outta pocket for some I ain't even had yet," He frowned as he sat the paper down on thee table.

Stevie shrugged. "Call it an investment, believe me it's worth it,"

"How am I supposed to know that?" He asked staring across the table at her. "I've made investments in people and companies that were total washes, so... You know me, I need proof, references, something," He shrugged laughing as he grabbed up his drink to finish it off.

"You want proof?"

Tremaine nodded with a quick side smile. "Yup I like to see where my money's going, Ms. Calhoun, so, I have a bargain. You want thee items on the list? You gotta work for em' simply as that,"

"Meaning --"

"-- Meaning, when we do, if we do, ya'know? Then every time I tap out? You can check something off the list it's yours, so, it's up to you, Stevie," He smiled.

Stevie nodded with a laugh. "So if I get you to tap out I get anything on this list? No strings attached, no small print. Straightforward, it's mine and it's done?" She questioned resting her back against the booth cushion, as she crossed her arms at her chest.

"Yup," He replied briefly.

Stevie pulled the napkin from her lap, tossing it in her plate. She then grabbed up the glass of wine from the table chugging down the last of it. "Okay let's go--"

"Where we going?" Tremaine asked cutting a piece of steak, preparing to put it in his mouth.

Stevie slid out of the booth to stand up. Fixing her skirt, she slipped the strap of her bag on her shoulder. "To fuck, don't act dumb, Tremaine. Let's go up, up, before I change my mind, c'mon put the fork down and let's go,"

"Wait--" He laughed surprised. "I haven't finished eating, neither have you. Besides, we can't just jump right into it, we.. We--" He stammered lightly. 

"We..we french man, I guess you were all talk back at your office I see, maybe you're the scared one? I knew you weren't serious, just wasting my time. You couldn't handle me anyways. coward, I'm going to the bathroom, finish your litte cow patty, I'll be waiting in the car when you're done," Flicking her wrist. Stevie turned away from Tremaine moving through the establishment in search of the ladies room.

Tremaine's lips pull into a slight smile.  Dropping his fork in his plate. He wiped his mouth with his napkin. Grabbing up thee short glass. He chugged down the last of his drink. "Alright,"

Grabbing the check holder up he slipped in a couple bills, and, extra for a tip. Before he placed the holder down on the table and stood up, grabbing his suit jacket up from thee booth on the side of him. He tossed it over his forearm. Heading in the direction of where he saw Stevie go.


Update 😏 .... It's about to get gooddd!!!!

Maybe 😂😂 ..

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