38 | The Hard Truths

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"I don't understand why we can't just go back to your car and make out."

Princess Harumi watched as Lloyd playfully rolled his eyes for the third time that night at her antics. In her defense, she expected the usual quality time that came with sneaking around with the General's son.

But per his insistence, this evening was to be spent away from their routine.

He kept a soft grip on her wrist as he dragged her through the shadows of the camps, away from the prying eyes of whoever was awake at this hour, leaving her to wonder where in Ninjago was he taking her.

"You're kidding, right?" All her hopes at a better surprise were washed away the second she spotted a familiar dragon waiting by the edge of the camps. "I don't need more time with this reptile!" Harumi made to turn back but Lloyd's grip was strong.

The boy shook his head, the blond tuffs of his hair swung with the motion. "You owe me at least a decent try, Rumi." He began to tug her to the direction of the creature, the same way he did a few hours ago.

Harumi planted her feet firmly on the ground.

"I already placed fifth in your little race, I don't think I need more improvement." She strained under his hold as she struggled to pull away and make a run for it.

Lloyd stopped in his tracks and flashed her the softest look he could muster. His eyes were glowing, bright emerald green against the night sky, his shoulders sagged, and his lips formed a frown she was capable of wiping away with a soft peck.

Damn you and your irresistible boy charm. She cursed mentally, not having the strength to say the words out loud.

Harumi tried to resist.

"Please?" Lloyd said, followed by a soft squeeze on her wrist. "For me?"

Unfortunately, the boy had much more powers than she could ever withstand.

"Fine." Harumi rolled her eyes this time as Lloyd's act dropped and a smile took over his face. "But next time, don't use my own move against me."

Lloyd simply laughed at that, shooting a wink in her direction as he continued dragging her to the front of the dragon. The Princess was greeted with a huff from Aki, followed by a grunt that suggested he had the same feelings as when Harumi first spotted him.

Lloyd let go of her wrist to pet the dragon under the chin. "Come on, now. It's important for you two to get along."

From where she stood, Harumi watched as the dragon softened under his touch the same way she would when Lloyd would cup her cheeks. There was just something about how his hands were rough yet soft when pressed against the right surface.

She'd be lying if she said she didn't spend most of her time thinking about what it would feel to hold onto him all the time.

"Aki's willing to give it another try, Princess." His voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "That is, if you're willing to do the same."

Lloyd had his hand outstretched, waiting for her by the wing of the dragon. Harumi thought about escaping. He'd catch you before you can even make it five feet away. The plan instantly diminished in her head until all she had left to do was walk forward and join him.

He helped her aboard the dragon, insisting that she drove to get more practice. Lloyd made himself comfortable behind her, his arms looped around her waist like a seatbelt. She couldn't help the heat that rose to her cheeks no matter how many times he's touched her already.

"What if we fall and die?" Harumi blurted out, her hands hesitantly holding onto the reins.

"We won't. Just trust me."

Waging War | The Amber Duology #1Where stories live. Discover now