14 | Lasting Scars

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Vania walked around her new found job opportunity with such pride, it was practically gleaming through the tent. The advice the Walker boy had given her was proven useful when the Princess found herself within hands reach of access to hundreds and hundreds of files.

The infirmary became a very busy place after the flash bomb incident in the battlefield, there were dozens of soldiers either wounded from the war or on the verge of death. Each patient was sorted by the color around their wrists.

Green for minor injuries, yellow for non-life-threatening injuries, while red was for the life-threatening kind. However, with all the medics running around, it was hard to tell which case was more important than the other.

It was a giant tent located in one of the edges of the camp—giving the trucks an easier access to deliver the injured patients for treatment as quickly as possible. The medic staff were separated into two departments, the camp nurses and the combat medics.

Of course, with authority also came work. But the princess wasn't complaining.

She often enjoyed helping people back in the city. Call her cliche, but the natural instinct to use her princess power to help the poor was how these things usually went and she found it a good feed to her soul.

Harumi would say otherwise.

With her clipboard in hand and a first aid bag around her shoulders, Vania prepared herself to see her next patient after she discharged Skylor. The poor girl must have suffered a lot in battle, however that would have been better than facing Garmadon's wrath. She felt bad for the girl, often wondering what drove her to do such crazy things in the first place.

With a quick swish of the blue curtain that was used to separate the wards in the infirmary, she was greeted with the sight of a boy laying on his stomach, his chocolate colored skin was traced with a pattern of scarlet square slashes that ran across his bare back, and his left shoulder seemed to be out of place.

It was a small room, enough to fit two people, the IV stand, and a bed. There was a miniature monitor beside the boy that displayed his vitals on the screen, Vania had to walk sideways to get inside.

"What happened here?" Vania asked the attending nurse—she looked a lot older than the girl, her hair was slightly curly as it flowed behind her back and onto her purple robes—but her eyes never left the figure of the sleeping boy. He's ripped. She shook her head and avoided the blush forming on her face.

The nurse looked up from her own chart. "Climbing incident." Her eyes assessed Vania for a moment before dipping her head. "The flash bomb managed to rupture his grip and he fell. It's a good thing they were able to shoot a net before he got close to the ground."

Vania studied the cuts, they were deep enough to cause marks on his skin. "It didn't seem like it worked."

"He'll be alright, Your Highness. Just a couple stitches and some morphine and you'll see him on the battlefield again."

Was that how things work here?

Vania pulled open her bag with much haste it had startled the nurse. She fussed around with the tools she was given until she found the right one.

"What are you doing, Princess?" The Nurse asked when Vania opened a can of ointment.

"Showing you the right way to treat your patients."

With a gentle hand, Vania got to work. She had plenty of training at the palace, and even her own experience at their private clinic, on treating all kinds of wounds. She paid attention to those lessons in case she found herself needing them one day.

Waging War | The Amber Duology #1Where stories live. Discover now