24 | Twenty Four Hours

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First Hour and a half

Kai Smith's vacation was delayed and it brought him great frustration. Although he had to admit, he enjoyed the fact that he didn't have to go to Ninjago City just yet. It gave him just enough time to wait for something to happen, maybe a sudden battle, or his duties were needed at the camps. Please let him be needed.

"Why are you smiling?" A girl asked from beside him as they sat in front of the General's desk.

Somehow, every time he went near Skylor, he always found himself in a heap of trouble. Whether it was running into battle undertrained or getting pushed off the training tower, there was always something about her that made him get called to the General's tent.

It's like high school all over again. He thought, his mind recalled certain trips to the Principal's office after he got himself involved in a few fist fights. But in his defense, they shouldn't have gone near his sister.

He probably looked like a lunatic but Kai didn't care. He was hopeful.

"Nothing." He replied, getting comfortable in his seat as they waited for the General. For some reason, he had more important things to attend to and Kai hoped he would get called for duty.

He would do anything to avoid Ninjago City. Which is why he found pleasure in sitting and waiting in the General's tent, even if it meant he was probably in trouble.

"You know," He started, catching a glimpse of Skylor's nervous figure through his peripheral. "Every time we're in here, it's always your fault."

Her glare shot like daggers to Kai's direction. It was a good thing he had been trained to avoid them. "Perhaps it's a result of your teaching skills."

"Or maybe you just have a thing for getting in trouble."

Kai turned his head to get a glimpse of her full reaction, boy, did he want to see this. Skylor's cheeks had grown into a scarlet color, almost like the paint on his car, and the boy couldn't tell whether she was flustered or frustrated. Either way, he was satisfied with her reaction and a laugh escaped his lips.

Get a hold of yourself. He immediately stopped after that. Why would he even look at her? For all he knew, she could be the reason he would have to leave the camps forever. His face went blank after that but his mind continued to ramble on and on and on.

"My apologies for the wait," A voice called from the entrance of the tent and they both turned their heads to find the General standing in a perfect position of attention. "There have been some issues with the dragons we had to fix."

Kai went up to salute but he was immediately dismissed with a wave, so he watched as the General took a seat in front of them. Please let me be needed. He knew he wasn't called here to discuss that, but he did hope that somehow he would manage to skip his day off.

"I assume you both know why you're here." General Garmadon settled in his chair, eyeing both of them for a good amount of time.


"I see." The General picked up a pair of spectacles and a folder from his desk. With a swift move of his hand, it was open. "According to your file, initiate, you do not possess any elemental powers. Would you care to explain how you were able to manipulate smoke and stop your fall?"

Kai couldn't believe it when he saw her figure change from a whole being to a ball of smoke. There was a twinge of familiarity that came with the scene, a certain former elemental master came to his mind.

But he couldn't have. Kai thought. Ash wouldn't be crazy enough to actually pass his powers onto her of all people. And even if he was, it didn't explain the way a small flame lit up on her palm during their talk at the top of the tower.

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