20 | Drowning is Swimming

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One of the good things about being a Princess was that she could have anything she wanted. Especially if the people respect power and do not dare to defy her word.

"You will allow me inside because I say so!" Princess Vania argued with the guards standing in front of the infirmary tents. They both had the same navy blue coats and uniform that everyone else in the Navy wore, but she couldn't care less.

"Princess I—"

"Don't make me call my father on you."

She was allowed inside after that. Unlike the camps of the army, the navy had very strict rules about visitors inside the infirmary. The guards explained that it was for her own safety and the patient's in case she would infect their wounds.

Despite her insistence that she was a medic in training, the guards only succumb to power—just like everyone else. It was good thing she was best friends with the most persuasive person in all of Ninjago.

It was late at night, and perhaps it was also her fault the guards had to stop her at this hour, when Vania decided to check on Cole. She had seen the events from earlier today first hand and the princess decided to take action—maybe even give the boy a scolding or two. Right after Kai fell into the waters, Cole decided to dive in and follow him, cracking open most of the stitches on his back.

She admired his loyalty, not his ability to do stupid things.

Vania rolled her eyes. There were dozens of people in the waters, including Captain Seliel herself, Cole did not have to risk his own life for Kai's. She walked past an organized row of wards, blue curtains on either side of her. There was no telling how many patients were inside the infirmary at the moment and the Princess had to rely on her skills to find the boy without accidentally intruding on another patient.

She didn't know why she was here. Perhaps it's my genuine concern for him. They weren't friends or acquaintances. Just two soldiers who are destined to fight side by side in the war. Just two teenagers who held hands and had a good time in each other's company. That's all. It was far from the truth.

Despite Harumi's insistence, Vania didn't want to admit that she was right.

"Me? Have a crush on Cole?! Don't be absurd, Rumi." The Princess insisted with a scoff. Who would even dare to suggest such a thing?

Princess Harumi simply let out a giggle, her face plastered with the look Vania knew all too well. It was the look she gave people when they were failing to hide things from her. "Vany, you've spent the last few days 'taking care' of him. If I knew any better, maybe it's a different kind of treatment."

Vania had managed to shut her up after that. The last thing she needed was a rumor spreading through the camps, she had a reputation to uphold and the King was certainly not a fan of gossip.

The princess did not have to search any further when she heard the familiarity of his voice, she always had a way of recognizing them. The way it was a perfect balance of soft and comforting despite the slight rasp. On some days it was serious, stern, and respectful when he was talking with his superiors; others, it was playful and cheery—especially around his friends, but Vania only preferred one.

The way he talked to her.

It was different from Rumi's strong and witty tone, Pixal's intelligent angle, or even Skylor's manner of asking the hard questions. No. Because whenever Cole talked to Vania it was sincere, soft, and delicate, like he had revealed a part of himself that no else had seen before.

And Vania admired that.

Maybe I do have a crush on him. But why would it matter? Princess Vania had her duties and she was taught that in her time of decision, they would come first. Duties over anything. She sighed at the memory of her father's lecture.

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