Chapter 35 - Goodnight

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Devon finally reached Wolferi.

"Thank you" Devon said as he gave his some money and leaped to the palace.

"Father! Lana! Are you okay?" Devon shouted

"What happened?" Desai came running downstairs

"Are you okay father?" Devon asked while touching Desai's body

"I'm okay son but are you okay? Why blood and dirt everywhere?" Desai asked

"I had to rush here quickly and I had some accidents on the way" Devon said and he saw Lana running downstairs

"What happened Devon... Oh my God!" Lana shouted on seeing Devon's condition

"What happened to you?!" Lana said

"I'm fine it's just a little accident... But what happened to you two" Devon asked

"Us? We are fine" Lana said

"But t...the call" Devon stammered

"It's okay Devon come on in" Desai said and they both took him inside.

"But Lana you called me and you were crying over the phone" Devon said

"I never called you Devon, what's wrong......" Lana said but got interrupted by Desai who used his elbow to shook her

"It's okay Devon maybe you're just........." Desai said but was speechless he looked at Lana then Lana Completed it for him

"Hungry... Here have something" Lana said and kept a plate of food in front of him

Devon looked at Lana and threw the food on the floor

"Are you trying to say that I'm pscho?!" Devon shouted

"No son it's just .... You're saying things that we never did and it sounds....."

"So I jumped out of a story building, got bruises everywhere, got my leg pierced into a huge nail, my heart was beating like I was about to die, I wasted my money on a carriage just so I'll come here and listen to you guys telling me that I'm crazy?!" Devon shouted

"Devon please....." Lana tried to stop him

"I wish I never came here" Devon said and left to his room.


Joelle has been waiting for Devon since

She looked at her watch , how long does it takes

"You know what maybe he is doing this on purpose... I'll be patient" Joe said and continued waiting.

Just then it entered Devon's mind that Joe was waiting for him

"Oh no" He said as he quickly stood up while leaping he rose his joggers up to where the nail stabbed him. He untied the handkerchief and brought a first aid. he just cleaned the injuries he didn't know all those doctor stuffs. He got a bandage and wrapped it  around his leg and got a plaster and used it in place of a tape. He wore another Joggers and went to the bathroom.

He washed his face and looked at the mirror. The memory  came back again.


"It's all your fault!"

"I did nothing..."

"I promise I'll be back.... "

"Don't even think of coming back!..."

"Dad please stop him"

"Leave him son.. he's of no use"

"Get out! You crazy psycho and your little bitch...."

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