Chapter 16 - Let's go back home

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"Come on Joe we can't just leave I mean this place is so nice" Lana said while taking a fork with twirled pasta around it in her mouth.

"Well what if the real princess comes huh what are we gonna say oh so we'll start fighting for who's the princess or what?" Joe said as she took a napkin from the table and cleaned her mouth.

"Well Joe is right I don't think we should stay here" Jennie said already done eating.

"Hey Joe there is this place that I want to show you" Devon said as he came and sat at the empty sit near Joe.

Really? That's how he just brushes of what he tried to do back there he was seducing me and now he is like there is this place he wants to show me..... Well I don't care though I mean I just want to forget that ever happened so why not brush it off.

"Um okay I guess we'll go now " Joe said as she stood up and started going to the windows

"This one" she said pointing to a huge window in the dining

"We'll go through here" Joe said looking at them

"I'll go first" Lana said as she went to the window and climbed it.

"Wait" Joe said as she ran upstairs and got all the clothes in the closet and orders a maiden to put inside a big bag. The maiden did it and gave it to her.

"Thank you" Joe said as she ran downstairs with the bag.

"Okay now let's go" Joe said as Jennie went forward and climbed it. They were all wearing princess gown so it was pretty hard.

"Okay I'll Go" Devon said as he jumped down easily

Joe put her legs outside the window and sat at the window seal waving her legs on the air she stretched her hands inside the dining and brought the bag she kept then she threw it down

"I'll catch you jump down" Devon said bringing his arms out.

Joe closed her eyes and fell and Devon catched her (princess style)

He brought her down gently and she stood on the ground as Devon held the bag

"Okay let's go" Devon said as he started walking.

He went to a place filled with plenty cars

"Is this the place?" Joe asked

"No it's not I need a car" Devon said as he popped his index nail out and put it inside the lock for the car keys.

He took a car key and pressed the open button then a car blinked it's light they went to the car and entered it. Joe kept the bag in the trunk

"Can you drive?" Lana asked as there was a moment of silence

"Well...... Yes" Devon said as he started the car and drove off.

5 mins later

He stopped at a place filled with humans

"Okay let's get down" he said as he came out of the car

"We can't go there wearing this right?" Lana asked

"I brought our clothes it's in the bag we can change" Joe said as she looked at Devon who was busy looking at her then he got why she was looking at him

"Oh okay I'll leave" he chuckled as he left.

5 mins later

They all changed back to their clothes and went inside

They saw people dancing and drinking the whole room smelt like alcohol which made Joe to feel like vomiting.

Then Lana saw Devon waving his hand in another room through the window

"There he is let's go" Lana said as she entered the room

They room smelt more pleasant it was like a kitchen it smelt like different aroma of foods.

"Phew I almost threw up there" Joe said as she finally let go of her breath.

She looked and saw a fat man cutting a type of meat she has never seen before.

"Hey" Joe said as she brought the man's attention

"What kind of meat is this?" She asked

"Dragon's meat" The man replied

It looked low-key disgusting.

"How did you kill it " Joe asked while looking at it

"Not me it's when the dragon's used to fly over big gate guarding the humans they said that the gate is endless but only dragon's can make its way up so when they used to come here the humans shoots dogma at the dragon's which makes them die" The man said as he cut a piece of the meat

"Do you know what I'm thinking Joe?" Devon asked

"That this could be Rio" Two of them said it at the same time as they both laughed.

"Um Devon I'm sleepy do you know any place where we can stay" Joe said as she sat down on a bench in the kitchen

"Come on let's go to a lounge or maybe the castle or something" Devon said as gestured for them to leave and Jennie and Lana left.

"Oh God not that smell again " Joe said as she stood up forcefully

"Come I'll cover your nose" Devon said as he held her hand and opened the door then he put his hand on her nose

"Are you okay like this?" He asked thinking it is uncomfortable but it's not I always feel safe around him plus his intoxicating smell covers the whole alcohol smell.

As soon as Joe came out side she saw Roy standing and looking at her

"Joelle" Roy said as he immediately hugged her tightly

"I'm so sorry I promise I'll always be there for you I am sorry" Roy said still hugging her

"It's okay father" Joe said and hugged him back.

"Let's go back home an anytime you want to come here I won't stop you" Roy said as he stopped hugging her.

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