Chapter 31 - Please not now again

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"What? If you were able to kiss him you can probably Spend your night with him right?" Devon said while staring at the mirror.

"What in God's name are you blabbing about?" Joe asked

"Oh I am blabbing?" Devon stood up and faced her

"Look who was talking about what you'll say when you get to the stage and then what did you do?" Devon asked

"Oh is it what this is all about Devon? How I didn't say anything about you or how they didn't even allow me to speak.... Oh I have have a better question for you... Now what is this?" Joe asked while showing the green underwear

"Probably Sam's underwear....." Devon replied

"No Devon.. I found this right under your bed" Joe said as her eyes went to a shiny sachet

"No don't tell me that it is what I think it is" Joe said as she moved slowly to the condom sachet under the leg of his chair

"Great what now a bra?" Devon said while looking at her moving

Joe bent down and picked it up

As soon as she wanted to talk, the door was slammed open and there stood the same girl on green

"Ah great" Joe said on seeing the girl again

"Um I just came hear to get my hair band I forgot it...." She said and took the hair band

"Bye Devon" she said seductively and winked as she left

Joe turned to Devon with a look

"What? I don't know that girl" Devon said understanding her look

"Oh really... So it just happened to be a coincidence that a girl forgot a band in your room and there is a green underwear which matches her dressing, a condom sachet and your room smells like the same fragrance of that girl?!" Joe said angrily

"I don't know what you are thinking but at least what ever you think I did shows that I have some shame although I never did it but you?........ You... You just went ahead and kissed Des right in front of me.... And everyone even your father, even Jennie" Devon said

"Just shut up!" Joe shouted

She was tired of hearing that stupid lie that she kissed Des it made her feel like throwing up

"Please... Please...... Please just stop it.... I never kissed Des why would you think I will Devon?..... I can't believe you think that...." Joe said but got interrupted

"Oh seriously?..... It happened right in front of my face.... Okay you didn't even look at me...... You said that you will mention my name and what did you mention? Huh? That didn't sound like my name....." Devon said but got interrupted again

"Please shut up okay just shut up!" Joe shouted.

Her eyes were already red she was trying to swallow the lump in her throat. She was fighting her tears. She and Devon knows that she wasn't so strong while dealing with her feelings and Devon didn't like how she looked... So pale

"Joe please just stop it okay" Devon begged as he put his hands on her shoulders he couldn't help it anymore

"Devon I don't want to think what my mind is forcing me to" Joe said and Devon removed his hands

"Don't tell me" Devon said and Joe exhaled and looked away

They stayed for some minutes of silence before Devon broke it

"Do you think I'm cheating on you?!" Devon asked angrily

"What else do you want me to think Devon?" Joe asked

"I never wanted to cause this kind of problem between us Joe... J forgave you so now it's your turn" Devon said

"What did I do that needs you to forgive me" Joe asked

"What did you do? Are you serious? After licking each others tongues and who knows what else you did before the party even started you come here and pretend like you don't know anything that happened" Devon said and as soon as he said that he regretted.

The look on Joe's face spelled sadness and heartbreak

Just then a tear dropped out from her eyes


"I'm.... I'm sorry" Devon said and brought his hand to touch her both she brushed it off

"Just..." Joe said and sighed then she turned to leave but Devon dragged her closer to him and held her on her waist

"I'm sorry Joe.... You know a wise person once said that the best way to convince someone is by kissing the person" Devon said and Joe's memory went back to that day

"See I knew that will work... A kiss is the best way to convince someone"

Devon brought his lip to hers but she faced the side

"Devon please" Joe Sighed and removed his hand from her body and left.

Devon closed his eyes and sucked all the anger in.


Joe went to the kitchen with tears in her eyes. She avoided anyone she saw in order to not get too much questions. She was trying to hold her tears which worked until she went to her room

Joe went to her room and saw everywhere scattered

She couldn't help it and just bursted it out. She cried her heart out.

Devon who was opposite room with heard her cry.

Devon heard the cry and hurriedly opened his door and saw Joe crying on the floor just at the door of her room, she was inside but the door wasn't closed.

Devon looked at her and he felt like his whole world shattered. She can't be crying alone right he has to feel her pain too right?

Devon went towards her with his arm stretched out. But out of nowhere the door banged on his face

Devon looked at the door then folded his hand and brought his hand down.

Devon pressed his lips, he still heard her cry. This wasn't how they planned on spending the day right?

Devon folded his hands, he felt like strangling himself

"Ughhhhh" Devon said and kicked his room door so hard that it banged open and closed back

Joe heard his voice and paused, she knew that he did that because he was angry

"Go away Devon I don't really need your company" Joe said with her voice Cracked

"Why are you doing this Joe? I did nothing to you" Devon said

"Please not now again" Joe said

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