Chapter 3 - Punishment

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"I know you made a big mistake but what is the mistake" Roy asked impatiently.

"I found a glowing stone at the entrance of the Wolferi and I thought Joe will be excited to see it so I called her and took her there but unfortunately the wolves found us and hurt us really bad. When we got  conscious we found ourselves on the floor in a place far away from  where we were and then you found us".

"Rio this is not the first tome that you are putting my daughter's life in danger..... I always warned the both of you to never go to the forest but you two never listen. You know what it's late come back here tommorow you'll receive your punishment".

"But dad Rio caused this not me....".

"That's the problem you have to learn how to say no someday go sleep it's late". Roy said as he went to his room.

The Next Day
Joe came to the parlour and saw Desai talking to Roy.

Desai was the Alpha of the wolves. My father and him were best of friends except they always fight about any small error. Well he is of course a wolf and his wife is a demon. sometimes he lies to us saying he is both a demon and a wolf but of course it is a lie. Well he also claims to control thunder don't know if it's true or false. But thunder once stroke his enemy when he was fighting him. Still doesn't convince me.

"Joelle come here" Roy said while smiling and looking at her.

"Oh how are you doing" Desai asked as he turned to look at her.

"Good" she fake smiles.

"Where is Rio?"Roy asked Sounding so polite and soft.

"He's not here he's at his house".

"Well go tell him to come quickly".Roy ordered

The kingdom of vamperio was near dragoon kingdom then behind Vamperio lies the Wolferi kingdom. Next to Wolferi at the right are the demons very good friends of the wolves. Well that is the limit of my knowledge. But I know at the end of all these supernatural people lies the humans. That's right humans never to be known. No one cares go to their world.

I speed up to the big giant golden gate of the dragons and started walking like a normal being.
Just like the wolves and demons are best of friends that is so with the vampires and dragons. But compared to the Vamperio kingdom the dragoon kingdom was a lot bigger and differentiated by the types of dragons.

I looked up and saw two dragons flying one was red the other was blue.
I smiled on seeing how they were happily playing.

"Morning your highness" A woman that looked in her thirties greeted as she passed me.

"Morning" I happily replied.

I came to a carriage lift.
"Can I have a ride to the Castle".
"Of course your highness" the man said as he jumped on the horse back as I entered the carriage.

"Your highness I see you are not with any guards behind you" the carriage man said as he rode the horse.

"Yes I just wanted to be free and have a peacee of mind".

"We have arrived"The man said as he stops the horse.

"Thank you" I said as I got of the carriage and put my hand in my purse and brought out 20 Golden coins.

"No you don't really have to pay me" The man refused to accept it.

"Here take it" I said as I put them in his hands. "Keep the change"

I walked into the castle as everyone that saw me greeted me.

I went upstairs in a particular building and saw Rio talking to a woman.

Rio wasn't the crown prince but he was still a prince with another mother from the vamperio kingdom. He was a half caster. The king had three wives the third was Danielle the second stacia and the first Felicia.
He was the son of stacia.

"Hey Rio" I greeted as I entered the room.

"Hey Joe um can you please come later I am busy right now" he said as he put his arm around the girl from behind.

"I think getting punished for what you did is more important than sitting here with this girl, having possibly the most awkward talk ever and trying to make me jealous even when you very much know that I am not interested in you".

The girl looked at Rio and then looked at Joe with a questioning look as Joe replied her with a fake smile.

"I'll be back"Rio said as he stood up and went with Joe

"Come on let's go" Joe said as she turned to leave but got stopped

"What if I want to stay here" Rio said as Joe turned and smiled.

"Okay sure you can stay here so that father will come himself and punish you oh and I guess no one will be home to attend to Desai so I guess he'll probably follow my father here". Joe said while trying to tell him what is currently happening in her house .

"What the Desai is at your house come on let's go". He said as he took Joe's hand and they both left.

At Joe's House
"Morning your highness" Rio said as he came in and saw Desai.

"Morning Rio" Desai replied shortly without looking at him.

"Come sit" Roy said as he tapped the chair for him to come.

Rio came and sat down then Joe came and sat down with them.

"You guys know what you did Right?" Roy asked not expecting anything negative.

"Yes your highness". Rio replied.

"Look Roy I know that you.." Roy didn't even finish his sentence before Desai interrupted him.

"Stop beating around the bush Roy.... (Turns to Rio) Your punishment is that my son is going to come over and you guys must apologize to him..." Desai briefly explained it to them.

"What!". He shouted as he stood up.

"Your highness I am sorry but u just can't" he continued.

"This is not optional" Roy replied as Desai just smiled and took his cup of tea as he took a sip.

"Your highness (he turned to Desai who looked at him in reply) please help me tell him that I can do any other punishment".

"Father, your highness I will be glad to get to know more about your son". Joelle said with a happy expression on her face.

"See you should be more like Joe" Roy said looking proud as Desai Rolled his eyes.

'I hope this is not a bad idea'. Joe thought to herself.

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