Chapter 14 - Enjoy it while it lasts

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"Ugh where are you Joe how can you just go out of the house like that" Roy said to himself while he is still in Wolferi on his horse which is walking slowly.


"So where is your mother" Joe asked while walking with Devon

"In her kingdom" Devon replied shortly

"Which is?" Joe asked

"The demons she is a demon" Devon said still walking

"Oh so you're.... A half-cast right?" Joe asked already knowing the answer obviously

"Um yeah" Devon said

"Me too" Joe added to let him know that they had something in common

"Oh really" Devon said, his words showed expressions but his face didn't his face has been normal since but his words weren't.

"Yes even Rio" Joe said as she looked at him to see whether he would frown to the mention of his name but he didn't.

"Oh okay" was all he said and as soon as he said it the air of silence filled the atmosphere combining with the air of awkwardness.

Just when we reached the gate of the human world well I don't know why they were sign boards which said


Seriously! Father told me that they were dangerous and we should be scared of them but it's them that are scared of us.

"We made it " Lana said as she reached for the gate and it opened on its own.

As soon as we entered there was no one or nothing there all we saw was dust all over..

"Is this how the human world is..... Just empty" Joe asked herself

"No it's because everyone are scared to come here they think we are dangerous" Devon said as he gave them a portable sign board that was hanged on the gate.

"Beware Supernatural humans do not enter..... What the hell" Lana said as she read it then threw it on the ground

"Come on let's go" Jennie said as soon as she put a step forward a drop of rain touched her hair

"Is it drizzling?" Jennie asked and immediately it started raining.

"Come on come on let's go to a house maybe they'll help us" Lana said as everyone went under a shelter.

"Look over there it's a house let's try and ask for some help" Lana said pointing to a regular duplex

"No let's go to that house it looks more cozy and big" it was a big mansion so it looked really nice

"No they are wealthy wealthy people are not generous " Lana said

"Who said that?" Jennie asked rhetorically

"I said that..." Lana said but got interrupted by Joe

"Guys don't think we have time for your fight okay.... Let's go to the big house then if it doesn't work we'll go to the small house okay" Joe said as she ran to the entrance of the house and rang the doorbell.

Just then a waiter popped his head out.

"Oh look the princess is here come on in..... Oh you have some friends with you I see..... What are you looking at come on in why are you all wet....oh my goodness where is that driver..... okay he is fired for keeping you stranded" the waiter said as he brought a towel and put it around Joe's shoulders.

"Um what is happening" Joe whispered to Devon who sat beside her

"I don't know I think you have a look alike" Devon guessed

"So I'm a look alike with the real princess" Joe asked

"Uh ya I guess so" Devon said as his eyes scans the whole room

"Well what if the real princess comes what are we going to do" Joe asked nervously

"Enjoy it while it lasts" Devon said as he smiled

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