Chapter 2 - those eyes

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"I really don't think we should be here right now" Joelle whispered trying to not be loud

"Don't worry I'll just show you the charm" Rio whispered as he continued walking further.

"They might Sense us come on let's get out of here...ahhh!" She sees a wolf coming to her and pounced on her face.

"Joe!" Rio shouted as water rose from the ground as he twirled it into a water tornado and forcefully pushed it to him but unlucky the wolf turned to it's human form and slid under as he quickly turned back to a wolf again and bit his neck. Then he passed out.

I hadn't passed out yet. But before I did I heard some noises like a huge sum of crowd coming and thats when I saw those eyes.

Those golden eyes that could make you believe anything, those manipulative eyes that could make you forget that you exist. After that I saw nothing but darkness.


"Joe.... Joe wake up" Rio said while patting her cheeks as he springs his hands on her face and water sprinkles.

I opened my eyes but everywhere was blur.

"" She murmured

"Y..yes I am here?"

I tried my best to sit upright as he helped me.


I am so sorry Joe this is all my fault"

I could tell that he was really sorry but honestly I couldn't deny the fact that it was his fault.

"Thanks for realising that..... I told you but you didn't listen".

"I know it's my fault okay please forgive me"

"Now is not the time we gotta get outta here" She said confidently as she tried to stand but felt pain

"I'll carry you" Rio said as he stood up and offered his hand to her.

"It's okay I'll manage" she said as she tried to stand up but failed again.

"I caused this problem now let me fix it okay come on"
he puts his arm around her waist and her leg then lifted her up.


t Joelle's  House
"Where is Joe and Rio?" Lord Roy  asked looking worried.

"I don't know Uncle" Jennie said also getting worried.

Roy kept quiet for a while

"Wolferi forest? What are they doing there".

Okay let's slow down a bit this part probably must be confusing so let's start explaining. Jennie is my younger cousin she is just 2 years younger while Roy is of course my father and for him knowing where I was after a quick moment of silence well I guess it is just in my family's lineage it's all about mind and vision. Well that's were I inherited the power of reading people's mind my father well he reads people minds to but can as well see through walls you know what I mean he sees everything. And for my younger cousin Jennie she controls people's mind. I bet it's no more confusing.

"You stay here Jen I'll go" Roy said as he walks out of the room but Jennie stopped him.

"I'm coming with you " Jennie said confidently as she went to catch up with him where he was standing.

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