Chapter 9 - Let's go to Wolferi

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"oh look there a carriage" Joe said as she ran towards it and the two followed behind.

"Morning your highness"The man said bowing.

"Good morning um do you mind giving us a lift to the entrance of the kingdom" Joe asked.

"Your wish is my command your highness" the man said as he brought a basket of plants and carrots and hanged it on a hook in the carriage then he gave the two horses one carrot as he climbed on the back of one.

"What of the other horse who's gonna ride it". Jennie asked already sitting down.

"This horse that I am sitting on is his mother the horse isn't yet independent so as the mother goes it follows well it only stops when it's hungry" The man said wanting to say more.

"Okay we get it can we start going please" Joe said.

"Okay" The man said as he turned and started riding the horse

"Oh my God I can't believe I am about to leave Vamperio" Jennie said as no one replied her so she kept silent.

Honestly I really thought about this carriage thing and now it is so boring nothing to say just an awkward moment I wondered if it could get worse........ AND YES IT DID!!!!
as we were moving this son of  whoever his parents are stopped by to greet Prince Des in a white and golden carriage with an elegant white horse and golden seat.
Sure you'll be confused of who Prince Des is. well he is the Prince of Austere. Well he is a human pretty sure you'll be confused.
In the past Era with Queen Demise as ruler. the great war of betrayal and murdering they normally call "the grearbemur" that happened a long time ago when we were still kids led to betrayal of some people fighting for others and there he came in he was part of the humans he still is but his father betrayed his people the humans and took the family with him as he was still a child he had no idea what was going on. Long story short, his father Derick died on the tragic war leaving him with his mother. Due to situations they could not go back to their place anymore cause their people won't forget that they betrayed them so they left for Austere the training ground. It's not actually a training ground it use to be called Austere the training ground for all. They live there well the people of Austere are very very wealthy because of Queen Demise stayed there. They are the richest specie. They all are human.

"Morning your highness" the man stopped as he bowed on the horse and Des replied morning as he turned for no more than a sec and thought he saw someone he knew.

"Hold up stop the carriage" He said as the carriage stopped and he came down.

"Joelle?" Des said as he came closer trying to see her as she hid her face.

"Prince Des!!!" Jennie shouted as she ran and hugged him tightly.

"That's enough Jennie" Des said as he stopped hugging her.

"Great now Jennie has ruined everything if he go tell Roy everything is going to be ruined" Devon thought to himself.

"We gotta get outta here" Joe whispered to Devon.

Devon grew his index finger nail as he stretched a little and pocked the horse's bottom as the horse neigh and started running with a lot of speed. The man on the horse couldn't control it and fell off .

"Devon make it stop it's too fast" Joe said holding on tight to the carriage.

Devon stood up and the belt loop holding the horse to the carriage was about to cut so he jumped from the carriage to the horse and held it but that didn't stop it and the carriage was separating.

"Joe give me your hand it's about to tear apart". Devon said using one hand to hold the horse and the other is stretched out.
Then Joe held on to his hand and he held her wrist so tightly that his finger marks were printed on her fair skin.

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