"I'm Chong and this is my wife, Lily. We're nomads, happy to go wherever the wind takes us!" Chong smiles as he suddenly crazily strums his lute-like instrument.

"You guys are nomads? That's great! I'm a nomad!" Aang starts out with a somewhat puzzled tone but changes it to an excited one.

"Hey, me too!" Chong cheered just as excitedly.

"I know ... you just said that," Aang stated blankly.

"Oh, hey sweet! Lily, there's another Omega here!" Chong cheered as he pointed at Zuko, while the man immediately flushed as grabbed his left wrist, and quickly turned and walked back to Appa while Sokka glared at the man.

"Oh." Chong lulled as he noticed Sokka.

"Nice underwear..." Chong smiled as he pointed at Sokka.

Sokka's eyes bulge at the sudden realization that he is wearing very little in front of complete strangers. He grabs Momo and places him strategically over his underwear and walked away.

Team Avatar and the band of nomads are lounging nearby Appa, whose fur is braided. Chong is casually strumming his lute. Sokka approaches.

"Hey, Sokka, you should hear some of these stories. These guys have been everywhere!" Aang states while the boy wears a wreath of pink flowers on his head.

"Well not everywhere, Little Arrowhead. But where we haven't been, we've heard about through stories and songs." Chong stops playing as he corrects Aang.

"They said they'll take us to see a giant night crawler!" Aang cheered.

"On the way, there's a waterfall that creates a never-ending rainbow!" Moku sighed in a dreamy voice, lying on the ground.

"Look, I hate to be the wet blanket here, but since Katara is busy, I guess it's up to me," Sokka states while Katara shoots him a glare as Lily braids her hair. The woman had just finished braiding Zuko's hair while the firebender sits next to Lily on Appa.

"We need to get to Omashu. No sidetracks, no worms, and definitely no rainbows." Sokka commanded while Katara and Aang groaned. Though Zuko merely shrugged.

"Wow, sounds like someone has a case of destination fever. You're worried too much about where you're going." Chong states while Sokka glares at the man.

"You got to focus less on the "where" and more on the "going"," Lily states as she makes gestures with her hand, accidentally tugging on Katara's braid.

"O. Ma. Shu!" Sokka sounds out impatiently.

"Sokka's right. We need to find King Bumi, so Aang can learn earthbending somewhere safe." Katara agrees.

"Sounds like you're headed to Omashu." Chong lulled while Sokka growled at the man as he smacks his forehead in frustration.

"There's an old story about a secret pass right through the mountains." Chong lulled while Katara and Zuko looked at the man questioningly.

"Is this real or a legend?" Zuko questioned.

"Oh, it's a real legend. And it's as old as earthbending itself." Chong states as he begins strumming his lute and begins to sing.

"Two lovers, forbidden from one another, the war divides their people and the mountain divides them apart! Built a path to be together!" Chong stops suddenly as he thinks for a moment.

"Yeah, I forget the next couple of lines, but then it goes..." The Beta shrugged as he continued.

"Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountains, secret, secret, secret, secret tunnel! Yeah!" Chong finished while the rest of the nomads stop their dancing.

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