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*Thud, thud, thud*


Able murmured to your unconscious form, which he now carried on his back.

He was starting to grow concerned.

He'd been walking for three hours now and still you hadn't woken.

Able hadn't been sure what to do- that was until he saw smoke hovering over the trees-

He'd begun walking towards it, hoping to find something.

You'd had struck your head when you fell-

Thankfully their wasn't to much blood but-

The fact you still hadn't woken up....

And Able was no doctor.

He knew that much.

Able was unsure of what to do or say when he reached whomever might be in the forest.

What would people be doing out here?

Was it foundation personal that survived the explosion as well?

That's what Able had thought before the powerful smell of pine flooded his senses.


"Kjell! You got them logs all tied down yet?!"

The bearded man shouted up at his colleague.

"Yeah, yeah almost done Thomas. Relaaaaax~"

Kjell knotted the rope with ease before climbing off the truck cautiously.

"Y'know sometimes I wonder if I would've married someone other then your sister."

"And sometimes I wonder why I didn't object to you even dating her. That was hardcore against bro-code."

"Pffffft- Bro code?"

"Why do you mention it?"

"I was just wondering how it'd be to not have a knuckle-head for a brother-in-law."

Thomas teased.

"Oh please your just upset you can't match up to-"

The blonde man stopped dead in his tracks, seeming to stare at something in the distance.

"What are you looking at?"

"Did you hear something?"

"What are you talking about? I heard a loud banging earlier but that was prolly just some Construction blowing out the side of a mountain to make room for a new road or something...."

"Thomas- that a guy carrying another guy?? Over that way?"

The bearded man turned to look at whatever the other man had noticed.

"Uuuuh I think so...."

Before the bearded could possibly warn or even think as to why to complete strangers were in the middle of no where near his father-in-laws lumber mill his brother-in-law was already marching towards the two of you.


Able slowed his walk upon noticing the two men eyeing him warily.

A lumber mill....

It made enough sense.

The blonde haired man began to stride towards him-

Doing some sort of walk/run.

"Excuse me! Hey!"

He yelled out.

Able thought carefully, slowing his walk even more as the man came closer-

He stood only a few feet away from him now.

"-Everything alright?"


Able answered carefully, having never had many normal interactions with modern humans outside of the foundation.

"No? What's wrong with your friend here? Why are you all out here in the middle of the woods?"

The other bearded man had begun to approach just as Kjell questioned Able.


Able replied, thinking quickly.

"We were excavating a cave nearby when....When they accidentally detonated some of our explosives. Sent us flying we are."

"They were excavating a cave nearby? Huh....guess that explains that giant bang we heard earlier...."

"He hit his head."

Able motioned to you.

"He's been unconscious for three hours now and I don't know what to do..."

Both men looked at eachother and seemed to nod.

"Alrighty well our cabin is right over there. It'll take a while for help to arrive should we try to call but we do have first-aid kits. Thomas let's go, you heat up some water and I'll try and find that first-aid kit."

Able nodded.

"Thank you."

He murmured.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora