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"Ah...Hello again, Iris."

You greeted calmly, just now noticing the guards that were carefully watching.

Iris said nothing, gaze glued to Able.

Finally she looked over at you.

"I still can't believe your trusting him...."

You sighed, mentally praying Able didn't get pissed.

"You're not gonna feel this way forever Iris..."

"Can you just shut up and enable my justified misery for a while?!?"

She snapped at you.

"Can you please just chill the fuck out?!"

Able suddenly snapped, slamming a fist onto the table before standing up from his seat and making Iris flinch.

All the guards were on edge, and the cafeteria went dead silent.

"You talk so much crap about how I can't be trusted, about how dangerous I am- and you know what maybe that is the fucking truth. But since your so sure about me being dangerous please do explain to me why in the hell you keep approaching me then? Do you want to provoke me? Is that it??? Because that's how it fucking looks to me-"


You tried to stop him to no avail.

"-You didn't have your waltz your petty little ass over here and yet here you are. Clearly your the only one trying to create any sort of issue. So why don't you do us all a favor-..."

Able growled, making Iris step back.

"...-And get a fucking move on."

He hissed lowly.

*why did I picture him saying that like gavin reed god help me I wonder if any of my dbh fans are here🤔*

Iris's lips tensed and she opened her mouth only for Able to raise his hand.

Suddenly Able spoke loudly enough for the guards to hear him.

"I would like to remind each and every one of you that, as I'm considered a 'Criminal' I do not have to say please, but I choose to because I do have some remnants of manners...."

Able looked directly at the guards in annoyance.

"....So would you please get her away from me before I lose my shit and kill every single one of you here starting with her???!"

Able was starting to growl and glare at her but you grabbed him from behind just as he appeared to be ready to lunge at her.

The blonde girl stumbled back in fear before being caught by a man with dark hair and glasses.

He also appeared to have some sort of strange medallion around his neck.

"Iris, let it go for now."

He spoke softly seeming familiar with the girl. Standing Iris up straight before gently pushing her to walk away from the two of you.

The man cleared his throat awkwardly before extending a hand towards you.

"Y/n it's nice to finally meet you."

You cautiously took his hand and shook it.

"Thank you- And uh you are?"

"Oh! I'm sorry."

The man said sheepishly, shifting his hands to his pockets before smiling.

"My name is doctor Bright."

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now