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All of the researchers and staff were watching this go down with a mixture disbelief and awe.

They'd never once recorded SCP 076 displaying emotion other then Anger, Aloofness and murderous Glee.

Everyone watching almost felt....

Sorry for the being.

You hesitantly began walking towards him.

He was still sobbing harshly, muttering to himself in ancient tongues.

The SCP had his hands fisted into the hair on either side of his head, while the top of its head was pressed directly against the steel containment door

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The SCP had his hands fisted into the hair on either side of his head, while the top of its head was pressed directly against the steel containment door.

The door was bent and twisted out of shape from Ables tantrum.

Had he gone just a bit longer it likely would have broken in.

You moved until finally you stood a mere foot away from the being.

Glancing down you couldn't help but notice the tears that fell from his eyes were tinted red from the blood he'd smeared on his face in the midst of his breakdown.

His poor hands looked bloody and the skin was torn.

He might have even broken some of his fingers.

Your eyes scanned the room until they came across a small first aid kit- which you quickly went over to, plucking it off the wall before returning to your position near Able.

You kneeled down behind the SCP not wanting to disturb him or enrage him further.

Carefully with much hesitation you reached over, untangling his hand from his hair-Taking care not to harm his hand further.

Much to your luck he didn't seem to react- until you sprayed his hand with disinfectant, causing it to sting.

You could see him flinch for a moment before snarling at you weakly.

"I'm not fucking weak..."

He murmured, not moving.

Simply nodding in agreement you replied.

"No you're not weak. I just said that to get a rise out of you."

Once you'd successfully cleaned his hand you applied ointment and wrapped gauze around it before gently taking a hold of the other.

Once you released the first hand Able pulled it over so that his forearm balanced on his kneecap, allowing the hand to dangle limply.

You were honestly shocked he was allowing the administrations after all the shit you'd pulled.

Unfortunately while you were so focused on treating his hands you couldn't help but feel sorry for the state of them and muttered.

"Your poor hands..."

You could feel Able tense for a moment.

"I'm not a child."

A smile crept onto your face.

"I'm aware, grandpa."

The joke slipped, making the SCP scoff.

"I'm not that old physically-"

"I know that but looking at it from our perspective your pushing well over Ten-thousand."

Able almost seemed kind of Grumpy but you'd finally finished wrapping up his hands.

"Let me see your leg."

You stated.


"I wasn't asking, I'm telling you."

You could hear Able grit his teeth.

"Turn around please."

Grabbing one of his shoulders you somehow managed to gently coax him to at least turn around.

"For a human you sure like to act like you know shit..."

Able muttered.

"And for a biblical character you seem to have quite the mouth on you."

You shot back calmly.

"What is all this? What do you mean 'biblical'?"

This caught you off guard and you paused the needle mid-stitch.

"You-.... You don't know?"

Able furrowed his brow.

"Don't know what?"

He whispered annoyed.

"Your....your background and your life is know what? Nevermind. Its a long complicated story."

You turned you attention back to his leg.


He didn't know about the bible and such?


Cain seemed pretty caught up on recent events in history and wars.

How come his brother didn't share the same knowledge?

Was it because he was locked in SCP 076-1 for long periods of time?

You would figure him out.

Even if it killed you.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now