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Able could only watch in confusion as you marched back in with a spear, a bow and a few other things.

The researchers eyes almost popped out of their skulls upon seeing you enter with numerous weapons on the CTV.

You plucked up the bow before tossing the quiver over your shoulder and rolling the target into place.

Able remained silent, watching with a mixture of distinct fascination and amusement.

You placed yourself several feet from the target, motioning for Able to walk over.

Able did so with an awkward look.


You questioned.

"You know I could have materialised them right...?"

It went quiet for a moment.

"But you said you've never used them."

Able shrugged.

"I just never really thought about it....I just like swords."


Sighing you shook your head, demonstrating the stance with the arrow before handing it to Able.

Scrutinizing the bow under his gaze, Able not-so-gently attempted load the arrow onto the string.


Able huffed in annoyance as the string snapped.

You awkwardly took the bow back before restringing it.

Loading and arrow, you pulled back and aimed at the target.

"Not so much overwhelming force...the amount of force depends on the distance of the target."

"The enemy?"


Replying simply you released the arrow.


Before you could react, Able materialized his own bow and not wanting to be outdone aimed at the target.

It was almost seemed to go in slow motion as it struck dead center of your arrow, splitting it down the center.

"There. Done."

Able muttered, suddenly materializing a spear and pointing at you.

"Now stop with the distractions and lets fight."


Picking up your own spear you spun it around for a moment, testing its dexterity.

"Alright. Come at me."

You replied, holding the spear at your side.

Able growled, darting towards you spear in hand.

Just as he attempted to run it through your stomach you instead used your own spear to pole vault yourself over the SCP, landing several feet away.

Able angrily dropped the spear and instead pulled out his signature long sword, swinging it at you.

Thinking quickly you slid across the floor on your knees, just barely managing to slide underneath so that the sword missed you.

You whipped around wrapping your arms around Able from behind and with all your strength tossed him over your head before whipping your spear over down as he landed on his back.

The spear stuck the ground, somehow indenting itself within just mere centimeters from the SCP's face.

In fact it'd been close enough to cut a small gash on the SCP's cheek.

He growled and attempted to leap up only for your foot to slam down harshly on his chest.


This only seemed to enrage him further.


Just as he lifted his sword to swing at you- you plucked your axe out of your belt, catching it and pushing it down against him.

Both your knees we're on either side of SCP, trapping him underneath you and giving you the advantage.

Able seemed to angrily thrash beneath you, furiously pushing harder- his rage clouding all reason.

You suddenly released one hand from your weapon, grabbing Ables wrist.


Slowly the pressure from your weapon disappeared his look of rage instantaneously becoming one of confusion.


"Able. Think. Remember when you had me like this?"

You questioned.

"What did I do?"

The SCP blinked a few times.

Carefully, you grabbed a hold of Ables ankle much to his confusion and placed his foot against your chest.

"You have legs. Use them."

It finally seemed to click in Able and responded by kicking you, throwing you back a few feet.

Able threw himself over you, sword pressed to your throat.

"Well done, Able."

You replied calmly, E/c eyes meeting steel grey.

He could end you now.

Though as your gazes locked something made him hesitate from doing so.






He could slowly feel any temptation he'd had to kill you, melting away.

"Able...I think I have your answer."

Your voice broke the air suddenly.

The SCP looked at you confused.


"The reason...your locked away."

You began.

"It's because humans fear what they can't understand.....they fear the unknown....that's why if I had the choice you'd be given so much more freedom."

Murmuring quietly, you could see the recognition in his eyes.

"And you think you understand me?"

Able questioned back.

"Not entirely of course but..."

You heaved a breath.

"...I know what its like to be betrayed and be treated less then human."

Ables blade began to falter.

"And I know everyone deserves a chance at life."

If this was truly your mindset...

Then it was possible you were his only way out of this damned place.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now