Oh no

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Ables breath tickled your neck- you could feel his lips dragging across your throat.

His hands gripped your hips, squeezing them harder in his grasp before sneakily sliding lower and squeezing your butt, making you jump.

Able chuckled deeply into your neck as you shot him a dirty look.

He growled softly, forcing your legs open before sliding between them, grabbing a hold of both your wrists before pinning them on either side of your head.

The heat he gave off practically radiated off of his skin- cascading across your own.

As you felt your temperature rising- you were overwhelmed by how tantalizing he looked.

A few strands of hair escaped the elastic of his hair tie, framing his face as he looked down at you with a lustful gaze.


*Knock knock!*

A loud knock snapped you out of your lust filled stupor and panic almost shot out of your ass.

Before you had the chance to push Able off of you the door creaked open slightly.


You managed to yell.

Suddenly the door stopped.

"Eh? What's the matter?"

"I-I'm getting changed!"

You sputtered, quickly thinking of the lie.

The door halted.

"Oh my apologies, Just let me know when your done."

You practically tossed Able off of you-

(Quite the feat really, even Able was surprised.)

-Before straightening yourself out, taking a deep breath and forcing yourself to look calm before answering the door.

"Ah there you are. Sorry to intrude, I thought you'd have said something after I knocked."

You nodded.

"My apologies Mr.Bright. What can I do for you?"

"Yes well...."

He began, secretly sneaking glances down at your neck and trying to suppress the smirk that wanted to creep on his face.

"Aheeeeem....I'm just here to give you these papers."

He spoke, though his voice got a little higher and more sheepish as he spoke.

He desperately cleared his throat again.



You questioned nervously.

"Is anyone else in there?"

Your heart pounded.

"J-Just Able."

Bright smiled innocently.

"You sure? No lucky ladies in there?"

You furrowed your brows.

"Uuh no? Why?"

Bright motioned to your neck.

"Not to be suggestive or anything but those bruises on your neck look like hickeys."

Luckily despite your surprise and horror you managed to keep yourself calm, slowly reaching up to touch them- making sure to appear inquisitive.

"Oh....well I was training with Able earlier. I might've gotten them then."

Bright nodded, still smiling.

"Ah I see. My mistake then."

He chuckled.

"Anywho, I best be on my way. I still have some calculations that need to be done today. Have a good night."

The man turned to leave, still smiling broadly while putting emphasis on 'good.'

Oh great.

Now he thought you were bringing girls back to your room.


Some other members at the Scp quarters knew you were gay.

You cringed thinking of Bright possible hearing of it from other staff.

Bright wasn't a snitch or anything nor would you being gay possibly tip him off that it was Able but-

If he did find out....

It would be a shit-show.

Mercy for Empathy (Able X Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now